Law Journal staff make extensive use of library resources. One question that comes up often is the order in which these resources should be used. Cite checkers should proceed as follows when requesting material:
1. Check for resources that UW-Madison owns in print here on campus using the library catalog. See the Law Library's tutorial videos on requesting articles from the catalog and requesting books from the catalog.
2. Check for resources that have been digitized by a trusted database (This could be your first step, depending on your source!)
3. Request items from other campuses or other universities.
To complete step three, be sure to talk with your editor to see what your specific journal's policies and procedures are. Some Journals have "ILL Associates" who make all the requests, while others rely on editors to do so. Either way, library staff are committed to locating your articles for you. If you have questions, please ask a reference librarian!
Additionally, please see the Law Library's tutorial videos on requesting a book via ILL and requesting an article via ILL.
More information on making Interlibrary Loan and Inter-Campus requests for your personal use can be found on the library's guide to getting items from other campuses or schools.