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Current Europe : Online Databases
Select a Database
UW-Madison owns or subscribes to hundreds of databases encompassing numerous subject disciplines including Western European Studies. These databases are comprised of articles, periodicals, ebooks, and collections of primary sources, all of which are available online.
UW-Madison participates with WorldCat, a comprehensive online union catalog, which includes bibliographic records of 10,000 libraries worldwide. Through WorldCat, you are able to search the globe for items not found on the UW campus.
- WorldCatWorldCat is a catalog of more than 49 million books, serials, audiovisual media, maps, archives, manuscripts, scores, and computer files owned by more than 9,000 OCLC member libraries around the world, including UW-Madison and the Library of Congress. More than 400 languages are represented.
The list below suggests several databases most likely to include information on a broad range of European countries and EU-related topics:
- ProQuest One Business (formerly ABI Inform)Indexes and abstracts articles from more than 1300 scholarly and trade business periodicals. Good source for information on business and trade in the EU.
- Academic SearchFull text database of more than 3,000 journals in many fields, all in English, Both general interest and academic journals are included.
- CIAO: Columbia International Affairs OnlineSource for theory and research in international affairs. Full text of working papers, conference proceedings, and abstracts from 11 international affairs journals.
- European Sources Online (ESO)European Sources Online (ESO) is an online database which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe.
- Historical AbstractsIndexes and abstracts information in history and related social sciences and humanities, excluding the U.S. and Canada.
- IBZ: International Bibliography of Periodical LiteratureIndexes more than 5600 periodicals in many languages; particularly strong in European humanities and social sciences.
- Index to Foreign Legal PeriodicalsIndexes articles appearing in approximately 450 legal journals published worldwide.
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)Indexes over 2,600 social science journals from over 100 countries in more than 90 languages in the fields of economics, political science, sociology and anthropology.
- Lexis/Nexis Academic UniverseProbably the best choices for European studies are "World News" or "Non-English Language News." "World News" includes full text (or in some cases abstracts) of articles from a wide variety of sources.
- PAISIndexing, with selected brief abstracts, for books, IGO documents, and journals in public and social policy and the social sciences in general.
- Sociological AbstractsIndexes and abstracts 2,000 journals worldwide.
- SourceOECDThe online library of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It includes 20 book collections by them, 24 periodicals, statistical databases, and more.
- Web of KnowledgeA combination of five databases: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Book Citation Index--Science, and Book Citation Index--Social Sciences and Humanities. The Book Citation Index indexes over 25,000 titles.
- Women's Studies InternationalA composite of ten databases covering women's studies and gender-focused scholarship from throughout the world.
- World News ConnectionWorld News Connection provides English translations of foreign media, and is compiled by the U.S. government from thousands of sources.
- Worldwide Political Science AbstractsCitations, abstracts, and indexing of more than 1200 international serials in political science and related fields, including international relations.