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Introductory research guide for history of science and technology : Selected journals

Introductory guide to basic bibliographies, journals, and reference works for history of science and technology

Selected journals in history of science

Primarily English-language sources. A longer list of relevant journals, both in English and otherwise, is available in the annual bibliographical issues in the journal Isis (international journal of history of science, named for the Egyptian goddess Isis). Annual print issues of this bibliographical source are available in the Memorial Library Reference Stacks (2 South). 

Aestimatio: Critical reviews in the history of science

AIP history newsletter [American Institute of Physics]

Aleph: Historical studies in science & Judaism

Ambix [journal of the Society for the Study of Alchemy and Early Chemistry]

Annals of science

Annals of the history and philosophy of biology

Arabic sciences and philosophy


Archive for history of exact sciences

British journal for the history of science

Bulletin of science, technology & society

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Historical series


Current trends in history and philosophy of psychology

Early science and medicine

Earth sciences history

East Asian science, technology, and medicine

Einstein studies

Garden history

Historia scientiarium: International journal of the History of Science Society of Japan

Historical records of Australian science

Historical studies in the natural sciences [formerly Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences and Historical studies in the physical sciences or HSPS]

History and philosophy of the life sciences

History of anthropology newsletter

History of psychology

History of science

HSTC bulletin: Quarterly newsletter for the history of science and technology of Canada.

Indian journal of history of science



Japanese studies in the history of science

Journal for the history of Arabic science

Journal for the history of astronomy

Journal of astronomical history and heritage

Journal of the history of biology

Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences

Journal of the history of the neurosciences

Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences



Notes and records of the Royal Society of London


Perspectives on science: Historical, philosophical, social

Philosophy and the history of science

Physics in perspective

Public understanding of science

Rittenhouse: Journal of the American Scientific Instrument Enterprise

Rutherford journal: The New Zealand journal for the history and philosophy of science and technology

Science & education

Science as culture

Science in context

Science review

Science, technology , & human values

Scientia canadensis [Official journal of the Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association]


Skeptical inquirer

Social studies of science

Studies in history and philosophy of science [continued as Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences and Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics]

Studies in history of biology


Taiwanese journal for philosophy & history of science

Terra incongnitae


Wellcome history

Zygon ["Journal of religion and science"]

Selected journals in history of technology

Primarily in English. History of science journals also contains articles relevant to history of technology.

American heritage of invention & technology

Antiquarian horology

Bulletin of science, technology & society

Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society

Cambridge industrial archaeology

Construction history: Journal of the Construction History Group

East Asian science, technology, and medicine

History and technology

History of technology

HSTC bulletin: Quarterly newsletter for the history of science and technology of Canada

Icon: journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology

Journal of the Trevithick Society

Rittenhouse: Journal of the American Scientific Instrument Enterprise

Rutherford journal: The New Zealand journal for the history and philosophy of science and technology

Science, technology, & human values

Scientia canadensis [Official journal of the Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association]

Technology and culture




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