Animal Science : Statistics
Statistical Sources
- DISC: Data & Information Services CenterOur campus data library. Search their catalog for data sets they own, or consult their Internet Crossroads for free data on the web.
- FAOSTAT: FAO Statistical DatabasesCollection of online databases containing time-series records covering international agricultural statistics. Topics include agricultural production and trade, fertilizer and pesticides, land use and irrigation, forest products, and fishery products. Time-span: 1961-to date.
Data can be displayed as tables or downloaded for use in spreadsheets. - Data.govHere you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.
- UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade)Detailed, downloadable international trade statistics, organized by commodity and partner country for over 130 countries. Quantity of information available to download is limited. Time-span: 1962 - to date (updated frequently)
- World Development IndicatorsPublication includes extensive tables of social, environmental and economic data. Each table includes all countries. Also includes graphs, text boxes, and other explanatory text, as well as a worldwide overview. Data is generally given for the most recent year available, with an appropriate earlier date for comparison. Additional country-specific information is also available on the World Bank's Web Site