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Historical Resources for U.S. and State Law : Case Law -- State

Sources of historical federal and state cases, legislation and regulations, as well as books, journals and newspapers.

Regional Reporters (National Reporter System) -- Print

- Notes: State cases since about 1880 appear in the regional reporters. Many states rely on the regional reporters exclusively, and no longer
publish official reports.

State Reporters -- Print

Location: 2nd Floor South & 2nd Floor East (shelved alphabetically by state)
Notes:- All states publish(ed) their own court reporters which are published chronologically. The earliest cases are available in these reporters.
         - State cases since about 1880 also appear in the regional reporters.
         - In recent years, an increasing number of states have discontinued publishing official state reporters and rely solely on the regional
           reporters. Therefore, the Law Library has canceled all official state reporters except Wisconsin.
         - Although the official title of a state reporter may have changed over time, individual titles are not listed here. Rather, a simple start date
           of coverage is provided. For a detailed list, consult Hein’s State Report Checklist

Alabama State Reports

Begins with 1820

Alaska State Reports

Begins with 1869

Arizona State Reports

Begins with 1866

California State Reports

Begins with 1857

Colorado State Reports

Begins with 1864

Connecticut State Reports

Begins with 1785

Delaware State Reports

Begins with 1832

District of Columbia State Reports

Begins with 1801

Florida State Reports

Begins with 1846

Georgia State Reports

Begins with 1805

Hawaii State Reports

Begins with 1847

Idaho State Reports

Begins with 1866

Illinois State Reports

Begins with 1819

Indiana State Reports

Begins with 1817

Iowa State Reports

Begins with 1838

Kansas State Reports

Begins with 1858

Kentucky State Reports

Begins with 1785

Louisiana State Reports

Begins with 1877

Maine State Reports

Begins with 1636

Maryland State Reports

Begins with 1811

Massachusetts State Reports

Begins with 1630

Michigan State Reports

Begins with 1805

Minnesota State Reports

Begins with 1851

Mississippi State Reports

Begins with 1839

Missouri State Reports

Begins with 1839

Montana State Reports

Begins with 1868

Nebraska State Reports

Begins with 1860

Nevada State Reports

Begins with 1865

New Hampshire State Reports

Begins with 1796

New Jersey State Reports

Begins with 1790

New Mexico State Reports

Begins with 1852

New York State Reports

Begins with 1794

North Carolina State Reports

Begins with 1778

North Dakota State Reports

Begins with 1890

Ohio State Reports

Begins with 1821

Oklahoma State Reports

Begins with 1890

Oregon State Reports

Begins with 1853

Pennsylvania State Reports

Begins with 1754

Rhode Island State Reports

Begins with 1647

South Carolina State Reports

Begins with 1671

South Dakota State Reports

Begins with 1890

Tennessee State Reports

Begins with 1847

Texas State Reports

Begins with 1840

Utah State Reports

Begins with 1871

Vermont State Reports

Begins with 1800

Virginia State Reports

Begins with 1728

Washington State Reports

Begins with 1854

West Virginia State Reports

Begins with 1863

Wisconsin State Reports

Begins with 1842

Wyoming State Reports

Begins with 1870

Regional & State Reporters -- Online




Dockets & Filings

In addition to the opinions as appear in the reporters above, additional documents which were filed in a case may also be available, such as the complaint, briefs, etc.  The case docket will list a of the documents were filed in a case. 

Dockets are available electronically from the mid 1990s to the present.  UW law school faculty and staff may request access to Bloomberg Law which has a collection of federal and state dockets.  If you're not a UW law school faculty and staff member, contact a law librarian.

If you would like to see a copy of a case filing, please contact a law librarian.  We can help you determine the best way to obtain the document.  Note that there may be a fee involved.