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Law Library Suggestions and Feedback Spring 2022 : Natural Light in the Quarles and Brady Room

Natural Lights in the Quarles and Brady Room

There were several suggestions to raise the blinds in the Quarles and Brady Room and provide more natural light. Unfortunately, we are not able to raise the blinds as the "Freeing of the Slaves" mural in the Quarles and Brady room would be damaged by the sunlight. The painting, from the 1930s, is insured, and if there were sunlight exposure, this insurance would not cover any damages. We have also investigated window coverings that exclude UV light, but these have proven either unworkable practically or not aligned with the insurance coverage. 

We continue to investigate best practices and solutions for lighting in the room but for now, the natural light level must remain muted, to preserve both the painting and the ambiance of the room.