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Local and state governments--how to access them : City of Madison

How to find your local and state government representatives and local government bodies.

City of Madison main site

Home page for the City of Madison:

  • City Hall: links to the Mayor's Office, the Common Council (aka "City Council") and committees
  • Services: an alphabetical list of services the city provides, with links 
  • Jobs: information about jobs with the City of Madison
  • Agencies: alphabetical list of city agencies
  • Accounts: can subscribe to email lists here, make payments online, or apply for licenses and permits
  • City of Madison Open Data: datasets about the city, from the city

Voting and elections

City of Madison Elections and Voting page in English

  • Lists election dates through 2022, along with links to other pages about elections and voting.
  • Voter registration information
  • Where do I vote?
    • Enter your address to find your polling (voting) location.
    • NOTE: Polling locations may change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Make sure you double-check your polling place just before you go to vote.

Elecciones y El Voto 

Elections and Voting page in Hmong

Madison Common Council (City Council)

Common Council home page:

Description of Common Council:

"Madison's Common Council is made up of 20 democratically elected alders, who represent the residents of their districts, and work with the mayor, other city officials, and city employees to address issues that come before the Common Council that effect the entire city. The Common Council aims to reflect the desires and aspirations of its residents and embraces public involvement and input. Alders serve for 2 years." (from How Do I Run for Common Council page on the City of Madison web site)

Term of office: Madison alders are elected for two-year terms in the spring of odd-numbered years.

Who is my alder? How do I contact my alder?

The following pages will help you identify the alder that represents you on the city council, and give you information on how to contact them.

Common Council meetings info

Madison Mayor

Madison Mayor’s Office:

Elections for Madison mayor happen every four years in the spring. The next Madison mayoral election is in spring 2023.

Committees, Commissions, and Boards

City of Madison Committees page (has info on boards and commissions also):

Overview of what committees, boards, and commissions do (2-page document created in 2007; linked from the Madison Common Council's Government Resource Guide.

  • Apply to be on a board, commission, or committee
  • Current committee vacancies
  • List of boards, commissions, committees
    • List from the Legislative Information Center (Legistar).  It's a little confusing to navigate Legistar.
      • There are two rows of tabs near the top of the page, just above and below the body (committee, board, or commission) name.
      • When you click on a body name, you're put immediately into the "details" tab (in the row above the body name), and the meetings tab (in the row below the body name).  "Meetings" will list recent or upcoming meetings.
      • Click the "members" tab, to the right of "meetings" to get a list of members.
      • Click "description" in the row above the body name to get a description of what the body does.
      • Click "details" to see the name of the body you're viewing again. Click the name of that body to get a list of all committees, boards, and commissions.
    • Committee Meeting Times & Staff Contacts  
      • Click on a body (committee, board, or commission) name to view the body's regular meeting time, and information on how to contact the city staff person assigned to that body. The mission of the body is listed under the box with details about the body.
  • Meeting schedule: list of upcoming meetings by date, and links to more information about the meeting.
  • Watch meetings  of some committees, boards, and commissions on Madison City Channel. You can watch online. If you have cable tv, Madison City Channel is on Charter Digital 994 and AT&T U-Verse 99. Note that when it says "channel updated _______," that does NOT refer to the date of the last video updated.