Atmospheric/Oceanic/Climate Research Guide : Articles & Books
The UW-Madison Libraries have licensed many databases for your use. The most-recommended databases for atmospheric and oceanic research are listed below, but as a multidisciplinary field, you may also wish to explore other databases. Once you find specific articles you'd like to read, use the Find It button within the record to locate full-text journal articles.
- Broad science database including many AOSS, environmental science, and related topics
Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts, 1974-
- Meteorology and climatology
- Physical oceanography, hydrology and glaciology
- Remote sensing, atmospheric chemistry, and physics
Georef, 1669 (North America)- 1933 (Worldwide)-
- Earth sciences
- Marine biology, physical oceanography, fisheries
- Aquaculture, meteorology, geology
- Environment, technology and legislative topics
Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace, 1962-
- Aeronautics and astronautics
- Computer technology and electronics
- Space and atmospheric sciences
Climate Science and Sustainability: Global Origins of Modern Environmentalism, 1957-1995
- Earth sciences, environmentalism, and sustainability during the second half of the 20th century
Google and Google Scholar,
- Search scientific literature with results ranked by relevancy
- Read About Google Scholar for information on content and coverage
- See Google's Advanced Search page to limit searched to link, title, or domain
- For more in-depth information subject-specific databases (listed above) are highly recommended
- Multimedia database describing environmental concerns of recent centuries
Water Resources Abstracts, 1967-
- Water management summaries and information
- Database indexing articles related to a wide variety of kinds of pollution
Agriculture and Environmental Science Database, 1967-
- Articles and other materials focusing on agriculture and its intersection with the environment
Federal Public Access Repositories
Did you know that many federal agencies fund work in the AOSS field, and that most of them have Public Access requirements? Public Access requirements ask that researchers place copies of articles written as a part of federally-funded work in one or more databases that are open to the public. Currently, many can be "embargoed" (hidden from public view) for up to one year, but that may be changing soon -- stay tuned! Either way, research articles older than one year are often available in one of these federal Public Access repositories.
Department of Energy (DOE) PAGES
- The DOE funds research on alternative energy sources, among other topics
- NASA often funds work on space science, satellites, and other atmosphere topics
- NOAA funds ocean-, climate-, and atmosphere-related science
National Science Foundation (NSF) PAR
- The NSF funds a broad variety of scientific research
U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) PubAg
- The USDA often funds scientific research regarding the environment, sustainable farming practices, and drought
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Publications Warehouse
- The USGS is often involved in funding work on groundwater, geophysics, and sometimes planetary science
Accessing Journal Articles
- Accessing Restricted Electronic ResourcesAccess to UW-Madison libraries resources from off-campus.
- Accessing Articles from Off-CampusHow to access an article or other resource if you are working or studying from home.
- Using InterLibrary Loan to Request an ArticleSome articles are not available immediately from UW-Madison -- learn how to request them through InterLibrary Loan (ILL).
AOSS Library

Room 317
Space Science and Engineering Center
1225 W Dayton St.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-0987
Library Catalog
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- Library Research TutorialsLearn to find, access, and manage information
- Library InstructionRequest a library workshop for your research group or class.
- Ask a LibrarianContact the AOSS Library.