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Scope Note
This guide is:
- for faculty and students
- for resources at University of Wisconsin - Madison Libraries
- about Afro-Latin America
- includes both print and electronic sources
- selective in nature and not intended to be a comprehensive list on the subject
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What is Afro-Latin America?

Afro-Latin American refers to African roots within Latin America.
This concept can refer to people, music, culture, cuisine, religion, arts and social class.
With an estimated total poluation of 550 million, nearly 100 million Latin Americans are of African descent.
In many countries within Latin America, the social view of African heritage varies. Within Brasil, a majority of the population is of African descent. In neighboring South American countries, this identity is less common.
Most commonly, people of African descent are referred to by their nationality: Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brasilian, Afro-Mexican.
New Acquisitions
The entire 19 volume set of the series Biblioteca de Literatura Afrocolombiana, published by the Ministerio de Cultura of Colombia, is held at Memorial Library and also freely available online as PDFs.
Antología de mujeres poetas afrocolombianas by compiled by Alfredo Ocampo Zamorano, Guiomar Cuesta Escobar
Call Number: PQ8174 A586 2010Volume 16 of the 19 volume series Biblioteca de literatura afrocolombianaRace, Colonialism and Social Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean by Jerome Branche
Call Number: F1419 A1 R35 2008ISBN: 0813032644
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Guide Created by...
Thank you to Jesús Alonso Regalado of SUNY-Albany for many generous contributions to this guide.
This Subject Guide was created by Andrew Walsh, Laura Schmidli and Paloma Celis Carbajal, with assistance from Elizabeth Flores.