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Current Topics: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Health Care



About Health Care

This guide focuses on the availability, quality and cost of health care in the United States and examines the future direction and participation of the federal government in meeting health care needs.

Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: managed care and quality, medicare and cost*, patients' bill of rights, Obama and health care reform, fee-for-service health care, health maintenance organization* and women, medicine and cost*, social security, medicaid, health care industry, health facilities, medical service*, health insurance, universal health care, national health insurance, and health care and uninsured.

Overview Resources - Background Information

Health Care and the 2020 Election

Health care is traditionally a significant issue in electoral politics, and this has been the case concerning the 2020 election thus far. As such, we've collected some resources for you to understand where the candidates stand on this divisive issue. As of now, the 2020 Republican candidates have not yet released health care policies, but this list will be updated when they do.


Articles - Scholarly and Popular

Statistics and Data
