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European Union Law : Introductory Works and Other Texts

A brief guide to selected UW-Madison Law Library and electronic resources for research in EU Law. The UW Memorial Library, an EU depository library, has its own more extensive research guide; see the "Research Guides" section below for more info.

Overviews and Introductory Works

Note: Because of the significant changes affected by the Lisbon Treaty amendments (entered into force in Dec. 2009),
only those texts and references works incorporating those changes are included here.


Note: Because of the significant changes affected by the Lisbon Treaty amendments (entered into force in Dec. 2009),
only those texts and references works incorporating those changes are included here.

Search for Books

**For treatises, text books and other materials on European Union Law, search the UW-Madison library catalog.

**As noted above, books published before the Lisbon Treaty entered into force in December 2009 may not accurately reflect
the current status of EU Law.

    Or try these MadCat subject search shortcuts

Law--European Union Countries

European Communities

Law Group



Law Group


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