- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Research Guides
- Mathematics
- Suggested Books by Subject
Mathematics : Suggested Books by Subject
About the Book Lists
The following are suggested readings in the main areas within mathematics. The books listed as establishing texts are meant to give readers new to a subject area a sense breadth of a subject and the fundamental results therein. The books listed as further reading are for those ready to really dive in and go deep on a topic. Any book marked with a * is suggested reading for the Mathematics Department's Qualifying Exams.
- Algebra
- Analysis
- Applied Mathematics
- Combinatorics
- Computational Mathematics
- Geometry & Topology
- Logic
- Number Theory
Establishing Texts:
Contemporary abstract algebra - Gallian
A survey of modern algebra - Birkhoff
Linear algebra and its applications - Strang
Linear algebra - Hoffman and Kunze*
Deeper Reading:
Abstract algebra - Dummit
Galois theory - Artin*
Algebra : a graduate course - Isaacs*
Algebra - Hungerford*
An introduction to the theory of groups - Rotman*
Establishing Texts:
Introduction to calculus and analysis - Courant
Complex variables and applications - Churchill
Mathematical analysis : an introduction - Browder
Mathematical analysis - Apostol
Invitation to complex analysis - Boas
Deeper Reading:
Complex analysis, an introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one complex variable - Ahlfors*
Real analysis : modern techniques and their applications - Folland*
Complex analysis - Gamelin*
Real analysis - Royden*
Principles of mathematical analysis - Rudin*
Real and complex analysis - Rudin*
Real analysis : measure theory, integration, and Hilbert spaces - Stein & Shakarchi*
Complex analysis - Stein & Shakarchi*
Establishing Texts:
Differential equations : a dynamical systems approach - Strang*
Basic partial differential equations - Bleecker
Boundary value problems - Gahkov
Further Reading:
Fourier series and boundary value problems - Churchill*
Calculus of variations - Gelfand & Fomin*
Partial differential equations : analytical solution techniques - Kevorkian*
Complex variables - Levinson & Redheffer*
Partial differential equations and boundary-value problems with applications - Pinsky*
Green’s functions and boundary value problems - Stakgold*
Partial differential equations of applied mathematics - Zauderer*
Establishing Texts:
Principles and techniques in combinatorics - Chen
Combinatorics and graph theory - Harris
Foundations of applied combinatorics - Bender
Graphs & digraphs - Chartrand
Graph theory : an introductory course - Bollobás
Further Reading:
Enumerative combinatorics. Volume 1 - Stanley
Graph theory - Tutte
Spectral graph theory - Chung
Random graphs - Bollobás
Ramsey theory - Graham, Rothschild, & Spencer
Handbook of combinatorics - Graham, Grötschel, & Lovász
Probabilistic methods in combinatorics - Erdös & Spencer
Establishing Texts:
Introduction to algorithms - Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, & Stein
A friendly introduction to numerical analysis - Bradie*
Numerical analysis - Burden & Faires
Further Reading:
The art of computer programming - Knuth
Finite difference methods for ordinary and partial differential equations steady-state and time-dependent problems - LeVeque*
Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations - Strikwerda*
Spectral methods in MATLAB - Trefethen*
A practical guide to pseudospectral methods - Fornberg*
Finite volume methods for hyperbolic problems - LeVeque*
Computational differential equations - Eriksson, Estep, Hansbo, & C. Johnson*
Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Chen*
Monte Carlo methods - Kalos & Whitlock*
Establishing Texts:
An invitation to algebraic geometry - Smith
Conics and cubics : a concrete introduction to algebraic curves - Bix
The shape of space : how to visualize surfaces and three-dimensional manifolds - Weeks
Basic topology - Armstrong
The four pillars of geometry - Stillwell
Topology - Munkres
Further Reading:
Topology and geometry - Bredon*
Differential topology - Guillemin and Pollack*
Algebraic topology - Hatcher*
Homology theory : an introduction to algebraic topology - Vick*
A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry. Volume 1 - Spivak*
Establishing Texts:
A mathematical introduction to logic - Enderton
Classic set theory : a guided independent study - Goldrei
Further Reading:
Categories for the working mathematician - Mac Lane
Mathematical logic - Ebbinghaus, Flum, & Thomas*
Mathematical logic - Shoenfield*
Set theory - Kunen*
Recursively enumerable sets and degrees : a study of computable functions and computably generated sets - Soare*
Theory of recursive functions and effective computability - Rogers*
Set theory - Kunen*
Set theory - Jech*
Model theory - Chang & Keisler*
Model theory : an introduction - Marker*
Establishing Texts:
The higher arithmetic : an introduction to the theory of numbers - Davenport
An introduction to the theory of numbers - Hardy & Wright
Higher mathematics from an elementary point of view - Rademacher
The beauty of doing mathematics : three public dialogues - Lang
Further Reading
Algebraic number theory - Lang
Elliptic curves - Knapp
Topics in analytic number theory - Rademacher
Chapter 1 From number theory to physics: An introduction to zeta functions - Cartier
Modular functions and Dirichlet series in number theory - Apostol
The theory of partitions - Andrews