Human Sexuality: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Sexual Harassment
- Writing, Citing, & Research Help
- Abortion
- Asexuality/Demisexuality
- LGBTQ+ Topics
- Pornography
- Sexual Harassment
- STDs/STIs/Safe(r) Sex
- Newspaper Source PlusNewspaper Source Plus includes 1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles.
- Newspaper Research GuideThis guide describes sources for current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microfilm through the UW-Madison Libraries. These sources are categorized by pages: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)"EEOC has five commissioners and a General Counsel appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Commission makes equal employment opportunity policy and approves most litigation."
- Office for Equity and DiversityLocated in UW-Madison's Bascom Hall, the EDRC "provides leadership and education to university employees and students on principles of equity and diversity to promote respectful and supportive work and learning environments."
- National Women's Law Center (NWLC)NWLC brings "women's concerns to public policy makers, advocates and the public alike" through "public policy research, monitoring and analysis; litigation, advocacy and coalition-building; and public education."
- United States Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO)The primary mission of this joint military group "is to develop and implement a comprehensive DoD-wide sexual assault policy."
About Sexual Harassment
As defined by the United Stated Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),sexual harassment can be "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment."
This guide will assist you in finding information about the legal, historical, psychological and social aspects of sexual harassment.
Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sexual ethics, sex* discrimination AND employment, sexual harassment AND workplace, sexual harassment AND college, sexual harassment AND universit*, sexual harassment AND gaming, sexual harassment AND internet
Overview Resources - Background Information
- Opposing Viewpoints Resource CenterOpposing Viewpoints Resource Center (OVRC) provides viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles related to controversial social issues.
- Wisconsin State Law Library: Harassment in the WorkplaceThe Wisconsin State Law Library's topical research guide on sexual harassment, located within the Labor and Employment research guide, provides links to Wisconsin and Federal sources of information on sexual harassment laws.
- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Sexual HarassmentDiscussion of sexual harassment in the workplace. The website includes text of the law and related regulations, enforcement guidelines, policy documents, charge statistics, and related links.
Because of Sex by Gillian Thomas
Call Number: KF3467 .T49 2016ISBN: 9781137280053Publication Date: 2016-03-08Sexual Harassment and Bullying by Susan Strauss
Call Number: BF637 B85 S77 2012 or ebookISBN: 9781442201644Publication Date: 2011-10-01Beyond Blurred Lines by Nickie D. Phillips
Call Number: HV6558 .P45 2017 or ebookISBN: 9781442246270Publication Date: 2016-10-19
Articles - Scholarly & Popular
- Academic SearchIncludes scholarly and popular articles on many topics.
- SocINDEX with Full TextIncludes full text for a variety of journals and books encompassing all sub-disciplines of sociology and closely related areas of study.
- PsycINFOThis includes articles in the field of psychology as well articles about the psychological aspects of related disciplines.
- GenderWatchA gender, women, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) issues database with thousands of English-language full-text articles from over 200 magazines, academic journals, regional publications, and newsletters.
- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Sexual Harassment ChargesDisplays the total number of charge receipts filed and resolved under Title VII alleging sexual harassment discrimination as an issue.