Games and Learning : Gamification
An overview of using video games in educational environments.
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About This Page
This page will provide resources on the highly-contested topic of Gamification.
Books of Interest
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction by Karl M. Kapp
ISBN: 9781118096345Publication Date: 2012-05-01The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook by Karl M. Kapp
ISBN: 9781118674437Publication Date: 2013-11-11New Trends in Interaction, Virtual Reality and Modeling by Victor M. R. Penichet (Editor); Antonio Peñalver (Editor); José A. Gallud (Editor)
ISBN: 9781447154440Publication Date: 2013-10-23
What is Gamification? A Few Ideas
In this whiteboard video gamification expert Karl Kapp describes the term gamification, talks about the two types of gamification (structural and content) and gives an example of each type.
Meaningful Play: Getting Gamification Right
Meaningful Play. Getting »Gamification« Right. Presentation, Google Tech Talk, January 24, 2011, Mountain View, CA.
Articles of Interest
Library Catalog
Articles Search
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Google Books
Websites of Interest
- Gamification Research NetworkThe Gamification Research Network (GRN) is a hub for academic and industry researchers interested in the use of game design in non-game contexts.
- Sebastian DeterdingResearcher on Gamification.