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Introductory Research on South Asia : Other Reference Sources

Online Reference Sources

Digital Dictionaries of South Asia aims to have at least one multilingual dictionary for each of the twenty-six modern literary languages of South Asia. For the more frequently taught languages, a monolingual dictionary also has been chosen.

Digital South Asia Library (DSAL) is a global collaborative effort to make important and rare South Asian resources available to the international community. Included in DSAL are reference resources, images, maps, statistics, bibliographies, indexes and books and journals.

SARAI has links to just about anything and everything one might want online regarding South Asia. Included here are bibliographic tools, job announcements, e-newspaper and e-journal links, a directory of scholars working on South Asia and more.

SARIT ("Search and Retrieval of Indic Texts") provides Indologists with machine readable texts and digital instruments for philological research.

Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library publishes multilingual studies, multimedia learning resources, and creative works concerned with the area's environments, cultures, and histories.

Resources by UW Faculty

A number of our local faculty members have also created online reference sources.  See among others:

Gudrun Buhnemann's Archive of Indological Resources Online

Don Davis' Cooperative Annotated Bibliography of Hindu Law and Dharmasastra

Mark Kenoyer's, particularly the section on Mohenjo-daro

Mitra Sharafi's South Asian Legal History Resource page

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Todd Michelson-Ambelang
Librarian for Scandinavian Humanities and South Asia; Interim Librarian for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine; Liaison to the Center for the Humanities and Institute for Research in the Humanities; GLS ADA Accessibility Liaison for Public Services
Memorial Library, 416
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Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-3475