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Introductory Research on South Asia : Catalogs

Transliteration Tables

The ALA/LC Transliteration Tables are specific systems for converting from a non-roman script to a romanized one. Madcat and Worldcat follow this system exclusively for transliteration.

Catalogs: Finding Books

Library Catalog
A listing of what is owned and licensed by UW-Madison: books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, maps, music scores, microforms, and computer databases currently housed in over 30 campus libraries.

Worldcat, also known as OCLC, is a catalog of virtually all of the libraries in the United States (and some outside of the U.S.). Practically speaking, all cataloged items, held by libraries in the U.S. will be noted in Worldcat. Therefore, if you're getting frustrated that our library doesn't have a certain title, please check WorldCat to see if some other library does and then make an ILL request to retrieve the item.

South Asia Specific Catalogs

South Asia Union Catalogue (SAUC)
The South Asia Union Catalogue is an historical bibliography describing books and periodicals published in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, colonial Burma, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka from 1556 through the present and a union catalogue of holdings.

India Office 19th Century Publications Catalog
The collections of the India Office Library and Records reflect the territorial interests and activities of the East India Company and the India Office, and include literature and documents on India, Pakistan, Burma, Bangladesh and neighbouring countries, Iran and the Gulf states, South Africa, St. Helena, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China and Japan.

National Bibliography of Indian Literature: 1901-1953
The National Bibliography of Indian Literature (NBIL) is a compilation of works "of literary merit, and important and significant books on Philosophy, Religion, History and the other aspects of the Humanities" The Bibliography covers the period from 1901-1953.

Official Publications of India Catalog
The Official Publications were most often defined by enumeration of holdings at the British Library's two major collections -- the Oriental and India Office Collections (formerly the India Office Library and Records) and the Official Publications Section of the former British Museum, now integrated into Social Policy Information Service at the British Library -- rather than by abstract statements of principle. Some titles were included under the rubric of "Official" even though they were not published by a government body, apparently because they supported the work of governance in the South Asian subcontinent.   Many of the titles cataloged here are available at the University of Chicago.

Roja Muttiah Research Library Catalog
The Roja Muttiah Research Library (in Chennai, India) is one of the most comprehensive Tamil collections in the world.  Library's notable strengths are its holdings in classical and modern literature, literary criticism, medicine, cinema and the related culture of printed works (such as song books), folklore, material by and about women, religion and philosophy, and numerous publications of historical value. The collection is comprised of more than 100,000 volumes of books, journals, and newspapers. In addition there are rich holdings of oleolithographs from Ravi Varma's workshop, nearly 30,000 journal abstracts and indexes, an enormous collection of clippings, drama notices, wedding invitations, business and family correspondence, and palm leaf manuscripts. Most of the publications date from the later half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century

Urdu Research Centre catalog
The Urdu Research Library Consortium has made accessible the private Urdu collection of Mr. Abdus Samad Khan. Mr. Samad Khan's library is widely considered one of the world's finest for early Urdu periodicals and printed books. Holdings are well rounded across all areas of Urdu publishing. Most imprints date from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and are unavailable at any U.S. library. There are over 26,000 monograph titles in the URLC collection.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Todd Michelson-Ambelang
Librarian for Scandinavian Humanities and South Asia; Interim Librarian for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine; Liaison to the Center for the Humanities and Institute for Research in the Humanities; GLS ADA Accessibility Liaison for Public Services
Memorial Library, 416
728 State Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-3475