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Replaces Beilstein/Gmelin.
- Locate crystallographic data in CRYSTALS data fields:
Physical Data > various crystal data fields
Login to GeoRef (earth sciences)
Refine search results with THESAURUS terms such as:
- crystal structure -- use for the internal structure of a crystal
- lattice
- X-ray analysis -- used methodology, not data, X-ray diffraction analysis used through 1977. Before 1978, search X-ray. Indexed with specific method where available.
- X-ray data -- use for data
Access to PubMed via the UW-Madison Library
Use MeSH heading "Crystallography" or narrower MeSH terms found below this term in the MeSH tree:
- Neutron Diffraction
- Powder Diffraction
- Crystallography, X-Ray
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- Limit substance records: GET REFERENCES > CRYSTAL STRUCTURE role. Article must focus on crystallography to be assigned this role. Roles have been applied since 1967.
- Refine by RESEARCH TOPIC: crystal