Music Career Resources : Librarians
A guide to books, websites, and more for musicians of all categories!
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- Grants Information CollectionThis page is maintained by the UW-Madison Libraries "for individuals and organizations looking for Wisconsin state and local government funding and assistance programs." Scroll down to the Arts and Humanities section for music-related grant-funding organizations.
- VolunteerMatch"VolunteerMatch strengthens communities by making it easier for good people and good causes to connect. The organization offers a variety of online services to support a community of nonprofit, volunteer and business leaders committed to civic engagement."
Local (selected)
- Music Library Association Midwest (MWMLA)"The Midwest chapter is open to anyone and everyone with an interest in music and libraries. Here you will find information about our organization, our members, upcoming regional and national MLA events, and information about music libraries across the midwestern United States. Our chapter includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin."
- Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries (WAAL)"WAAL is the official academic library division of the Wisconsin Library Association (WLA). WAAL is also a state chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries. WAAL is dedicated to the improvement of library services to Wisconsin's academic and research community. Through its activities, committees, and publications, WAAL provides opportunities for professional development and personal growth to all who work in Wisconsin's college, university, and technical school libraries."
- Wisconsin Library Association (WLA)"WLA brings together and supports people from all types of libraries to advocate and work for the improvement and development of library and information services for all of Wisconsin."
National/International (selected)
- Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)"Founded in 1966, the Association for Recorded Sound Collections, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and study of sound recordings—in all genres of music and speech, in all formats, and from all periods."
- International Association of Music Libraries (IAML)"Founded in 1951 to promote international cooperation and to support the interests of the profession, IAML is a respected member of the international library and music communities....The membership comprises major music collections, music and audio-visual librarians, music archivists and documentation specialists, musicologists, music publishers and dealers....English, French and German are the official languages."
- Music Library Association (MLA)"The Music Library Association provides a professional forum for librarians, archivists, and others who support and preserve the world’s musical heritage."
- Music Library Student Group (MLSG)MLSG is a student-run peer forum for current and prospective students in music librarianship. MLSG is affiliated with the Music Library Association (MLA) through sponsorship by its Career Development & Services (CDS) Committee.