Interior Design : Articles
Librarian Profile

Anna Simon
Kohler Art Library
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
Social: Twitter Page
Related Areas
In addition to Design Studies databases, consider the approach or "focus" of your topic. Are you interested in the anthropological perspective of your topic? Psychological? Public policy? Then, also explore a database that covers that focus.
Primary Sources
Digital archive of House Beautiful magazine (1896-present), which focuses on decorating and the domestic arts. Primary source for social and cultural trends in domestic settings, including issues such as women's roles, family life, and consumer behavior.
WGSN Lifestyle & Interiors
WGSN Lifestyle & Interiors provides in-depth reports and trends on marketing strategy and experience design. It includes color forecasts, information on material research, coverage of trade shows, and consumer research news.