Biographical Information : Populations
African Americans
- Oxford African American Studies Center6,000+ biographies from the African American National Biography. Use the Biography Search option under Search tab to search biographies by name and other criteria. Use the Biographies option under Browse tab to browse biographies by name.
Native Americans
- North American Indian Thought and CultureCollection of biographies, auto-biographies, personal narratives, speeches, diaries, letters, and oral histories of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Peoples.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Women and World HistoryContains some 650 biographies of women and 600 topical entries covering geography and history, culture and society, organizations, movements, and gender studies. Scope is worldwide and from pre-history to the 2000s.
Library Catalog Search Tips
1. Click Advanced Search.
2. Click UW-Madison Locations, click Memorial, and choose reference locations.
3. Type Biography in Subject box.
4. Add another word (e.g., dramatists, poets, authors, women, Asian Americans (name of ethnic group), etc.) in Keywords box to make your search more specific.