Water Research Guide : Jobs
Books, journals, databases, and other resources on water, science and the Great Lakes.
Professional Organization Job Boards
Job lists from professional organizations that do not require membership to search positions.
Student Opportunities
Internships in water-related fields for students.
- NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates ProgramClick on Search for an REU Site and look at the Earth Sciences and Ocean Sciences sections of this National Science Foundation program.
- Student Conservation Association, Inc.Conservation internships and volunteer opportunities in our national parks, forests and other public lands.
- UW-Madison Center for LimnologyClick on CFL Employment to find year-round and summer-only positions at both the Center and the Trout Lake Station in northern Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Area
Wisconsin-based professional and student opportunities.
- City of Madison JobsCheck for city employment opportunities.
- Dane County JobsLists county job openings.
- State of Wisconsin JobsLook here for Wisconsin State agency vacancies.
- UW System Administration JobsThe place to look for openings with UW-Extension water resources programs.
- UW-Madison Employment OpportunitiesLists vacancies for faculty, academic staff and higher level administrative positions at UW-Madison.
- UW-Madison Student Job CenterLists part-time, limited term, summer jobs and internships at UW-Madison and off-campus.
- UW System Job HubIncludes links to job boards for each campus in the UW System.
Job Lists and Websites
General websites for water and science job hunting.
- Aquatic NetworkThis site includes aquaculture, conservation, fisheries, limnology, marine science and oceanography, maritime heritage, ocean engineering, and seafood employment opportunities worldwide.
- Chronicle of Higher EducationThe Chronicle of Higher Education's guide to job searching and interview preparation complete with news and advice, forums, and employer information.
- Cyber-Sierra's Natural Resources Job SearchClick on "Watershed" for a listing of sites with watershed, wetlands, marine and aquaculture jobs. Water-related jobs might also be listed in some of the other categories.
- EarthworksJobs listed under "Hydrology/Hydrogeology/Water Resources", "Oceanography - Marine Sciences" and more. This site lists many academic and international positions.
- Environment DirectoryA list of many resources to find environmentally-focused employment.
- GIS Jobs ClearinghouseDatabase contains hundreds of job listings or you can post your resume. Also includes links to other GIS job resources.
- PHDs.org: Science, Math and Engineering Career ResourcesPhDs.Org tells you "everything you need to know to find a job in science". It includes both academic and nonacademic positions.
- Science Magazine CareersBrought to you by the journal Science, tools, tips, and resources to find a job in the field of science.
Water Librarian

Anne Moser
Wisconsin Water Library
1975 Willow Drive, 2nd Floor
Madison, WI 53706-1177
1975 Willow Drive, 2nd Floor
Madison, WI 53706-1177
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Subjects: Environment / Natural Resources