HISTORY 600: The European Union in History (Spring 2024) : Primary Sources
European Union Primary Sources
- Center for Research Libraries (CRL)Use the CRL online catalog to find serials, newspapers, dissertations on European topics available in print and online formats.
- EuroDocs: Online Sources for European HistoryA collection of librarian-recommended links to open access facsimiles, translations and transcriptions of primary source texts that document political, economic, social and cultural history across Europe from the first century AD to the present.Documents are organized by country and when possible, ordered chronologically.
- EU PublicationsPublications Office of the European Union; provides links to official documents, reports, statistical data, and more.
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)FBIS daily reports in the English language consist of foreign broadcasts beginning during the FDR US presidential administration through 1996. Content includes texts and transcripts representing various media formats.
- UW Libraries Research Guide: Historical NewspapersSources of current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microform through the UW-Madison Libraries and beyond.
- World News ConnectionEnglish-language transcriptions generated from government monitoring of selected non-US broadcasts, web postings, newspapers, wire services, and other news sources from hundreds of countries for national security purposes. The articles are translated into English, although there are some cases where part of the content appears in the original language.
- EuropeanaPortal for European digital cultural heritage resources providing access to digitized materials from museums, galleries, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections across Europe. The collection includes images, texts, audio and video; and has merged content from the former European Library web portal.