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Finding Full Text of Articles in Databases
- If you want to read an article, you will need to look for a link or button that says “Full Text,” “HTML Full Text,” “PDF Full Text” or something similar. These links will take you directly to the article.
- If there is not a link to the full text, you will want to look for a red Find It button. Clicking this button searches all of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries databases for availability elsewhere.
- If the full text is available online, you will see one or more links to source(s) to get full text.
- If it is not available online, click the Look for Print and Other Formats in the Library Catalog under Additional Options to see if the Libraries have a print copy.
- If it is available in print only or not available, you can Request a Copy of the article. Library staff will scan the article and send it to your email. If the article is available on campus, it wil take 1-3 days. If the article is not available on campus, it will take 3-9 days. There is no charge for this service.
Finding a Specific Article