1. Get Your Wiscard
Students can get a Wiscard through the University's Wiscard Office. For information on how to do this, visit this page.
2. Activate Your NetID
After you have your Wiscard, you will need to activate your NetID and password in order to use library resources from off-campus. To do this:
3. Access Resources Off-Campus
To access library resources off-campus you will want to access them either through:
- One of the library's research guides, like this one
- The library's web page
If you're not already logged in, clicking a link to the resource from any of the above pages will redirect you to a login screen, where you can enter in your NetID credentials. This will allow you to access links to full text materials that may otherwise be behind a paywall.
You can also access materials off-campus through the library's Bookmarklet Tool. Click here for information on how to access and use the tool.