Tools for Finding Grants for Your Nonprofit Organization : Workshop Materials
Nonprofit organizations and sponsored individuals should find the following tools - both print and online - helpful for locating grants for programs and projects in all areas of endeavor. Databases for academic institutions are included.
- GIC HomeGrants Information Collection Web site Home Page
- About the GICMission, Vision, and Location of the Grants Information Collection
- Foundation CenterNation's leading authority on Philanthropy, Grants, and Giving.
- Candid Funding Information Network locationsSearch for other network partners located in all 50 states, as well as several countries.
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Workshop Materials
- Workshop slides - PDFA copy of the slides handout from the workshop as a PDF. For best effect view with the 10 points handout to get all of the content.
- 10 Most Important Things about Finding GrantsThis the notes handout from part 1 of the workshop. The last two pages highlight how to use the Foundation Directory Online.
Below are the materials from the Introduction to Finding Grants workshops. These materials include items from both parts of the workshop series. The contents include the slides from part I of the workshop. The handouts noted within the slides are included in order after the slides file, including the color of the handout as listed in the slides. Any supplemental handouts are listed below.
Additional materials from the hands-on portion are below the supplemental handouts.
- 990 PFGreen handout on how to read the 990 PF tax returns.
- Types of Non-Governmental GrantmakersYellow handout that lists and defines the various types of foundations, which are non-governmental grantmakers.
- Tips for the Application ProcessRed handout with a variety to tips on how to ace the application process, including how to effectively use pre-proposal contact.
- Supplemental Handout #1: Selecting Prospective FundersTurquoise handout on selecting prospective funding sources. Use this to track a variety of types of funders and note the chances of receiving funding.
- Recommended databases for nonprofitsPink handout with a list and brief definition of databases useful to finding funders for nonprofits. Databases are organized by the type of funder.
- Prospect WorksheetBuff handout used to track and create notes on prospective funders. Use one sheet per prospect.
- COS PivotGold or cream handout on how to effectively search COS Pivot.
- Foundation MapsAn overview of the key features and how to use this data visualization tool.
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Keep up to date with the world of philanthropy.
- Chronicle of PhilanthropySearch news, article, blogs, and more related to philanthropy.
Patrons must inside a UW-Madison library or affiliated with UW-Madison to view. - Non-Profit TimesLearn more an non-profit management by reading the Non-Profit Times.
- Philanthropy News DigestBrowse and search for news items, jobs, RFPs, and more from this free service from the Foundation Center.