Material Culture Research : Home
Librarian Profile
Anna Simon
Kohler Art Library
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
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This Guide
This guide suggests information sources for researching objects of material culture.
- Is the place of your object's origin or use of interest in your research? See "Investigating Places."
- Individuals make and use objects. Are sources of information about people (both famous and the rest of us) useful for your research? See "Investigating People."
- Objects, unique and as a class, may have documentation worth investigating. Are there comparable objects? Is there information about the creation of the object? Is there information about the sale or transfer of it? Is there information about usage? Have other researchers published findings after similar investigations? See "Investigating Things."
Links are provided, although these are examples only. Look for analogous resources for the time and place of origin for the object in question.