The next step in your research is choosing databases that match your topic. A thorough review of the literature requires searching multiple databases. All biomedical searches would include a search of PubMed, but you will want to consider other databases that might have coverage for your topic. You may want to consult with an Ebling librarian who can assist you with choosing relevant databases and in the development and translation of search strategies across the different platforms. Here are a few that you might consider for your research project:
The resources below provide an introduction to basic searching in PubMed and Scopus to get you started in your research. Advanced searching techniques, such as Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), truncation, phrase searching, or creating sets using parenthesis, can be used to refine your search strategy and provide more relevant results. For help using advanced search techniques or creating a search strategy, contact an Ebling librarian for a one-on-one search consultation.
PubMed Tutorials
Scopus Tutorials
General Searching Handouts
When you search a research database, your results will usually include the abstract and title/author/source information. If full text is available in that database you will see a link to a PDF or HTML version. Often the full text is not available in the database. Instead UW-Madison faculty, staff, and students can connect to the actual full text of the article from database search results through the Find It link:
Click or the "Find It at UW Madison" link next to or near an article citation. You may be asked to log in with your NetID, if you are not already logged in.
Under View It, click the link. It may take you directly to the article, or you might need to choose the date, volume, issue and scan for the article. There may be multiple links provided. If one link doesn't work, try another.
To see the Find It link in PubMed, use the link provided in this guide or on Ebling Library's website.
For more information, see How to Order an Article Through a Database or contact Ebling Library.
If there is No Full Text Online
If the Find It system says that there is No Full Text Online, you can request a copy of the article from the library:
Click Request a Copy link at the end of the Find It results list. Log in to Interlibrary loan with your NetID.
Find It will transfer the citation from the database to the article request form. You will need to fill in any missing required information.
You'll get an email when a PDF of the article is available - usually in 1-3 days - at no charge to you.
For more information, see How to Order a Document or contact Ebling Library.