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English Legal Materials : Introduction

Guide to English primary and secondary legal resources available at the UW Law Library and online


This is a guide to English primary and secondary legal resources available at the UW Law Library and online. England
 is a part of the United Kingdom, which consists of four jurisdictions (the others being Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.)
 Scotland and Northern Ireland have separate court systems. As such, this guide focuses on the laws of England and Wales in particular.

England is a constitutional monarchy with an elected government consisting of a bicameral parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It has no single written document known has the constitution. England has a common law based legal system. Importantly, parliamentary legislation is not subject to review the courts. Laws can only be changed by acts of parliament.

For more information on England’s legal system, see the Foreign Law Guide (Marci Hoffman Editor) entry under United Kingdom.

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