EMERGENCY dial 911
UW Police Non-Emergency 608-264-2677
SafeWalk: "SAFEwalkers can accompany you throughout campus and to/from near-campus locations!" 608-262-5000 (call or text)
BadgerSafe App: BadgerSAFE. BadgerSAFE is a free app that turns your smartphone into your own personal safety device.
The Open Seat: UW Student Food Pantry: The Open Seat supplies any UW Madison student in need of access to nutritious and affordable food with free produce, dairy, hygiene, and canned goods.
University Health Services (UHS): 333 East Campus Mall, 608-265-5600. UHS provides medical services, mental health, violence prevention and survivor services, other prevention services, insurance and other important resources. Many services are free for UW-Madison students.
Dean of Students Office (DoSO): 70 Bascom Hall, 608-263-5700. The Dean of Students Office is available to assist with concerns such as:
Drop-in hours and appointments are available. Check the DoSO website for details.
McBurney Disability Resource Center: 702 W. Johnson St., 608-263-2741. The McBurney Disability Resource Center is the office for students with disabilities and classroom accommodations on the UW-Madison campus.
International Student Services (ISS): Red Gym Room 217, 608-262-2044. ISS provides information and programs to international students about the campus and community, and provides support and assistance concerning visas and related immigration issues.
Gender and Sexuality Campus Center: Red Gym Room 123, 608-265-3344. The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center provides education, outreach, advocacy, and resources for UW-Madison student communities and their allies to improve campus climate and their daily intersectional experiences.
Title IX: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex-based discrimination to university resources including admissions/recruitment; housing; facilities; access to classes; counseling; financial assistance; employment assistance; health insurance; marital or parental status; athletics; and employment. If you feel you have been unfairly discriminated against, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator.
Multicultural Student Center (MSC): 716 Langdon St., Red Gym Second Floor, 608-262-4503. The mission of the Multicultural Student Center is to collaboratively strengthen and sustain an inclusive campus where all students, particularly students of color and other historically underserved students, can realize an authentic Wisconsin Experience. MSC offers programs and events, as well as other resources for students.
Wisconsin Union health and wellness calendar: Take a few minutes out of your day to recharge through yoga, meditation, and other mindful activities. This calendar includes events on campus and around town.