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French Literature and Linguistics : Articles & Journals

Suggested resources for graduate students of French literature

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Locate articles when you have a citation by using Citation Search

Need to cite articles, books, or Web pages?

UW-Madison Writing Center's Writer's Handbook has tips on citation styles (APA, Chicago, CBE, MLA, etc.).

Information on how to avoid plagiarism from UW-Madison's Writing Center.

Click here for a basic video on how to cite your sources.

Use citation managers to organize your references and create bibliographies. Citation managers such as  EndNote, EndNote Basic, Mendeley, or Zotero are software tools for managing your citations.  These will help you:

  • Create and organize a personal research database
  • Download citations from online databases
  • Format bibliographies and citations in papers
  • Share your citations with others

Core Databases

  • MLA International Bibliography 
    Over 2.1 million citations of journal articles, books, and dissertations. Subjects covered include literature, language and linguistics, folklore, literary theory and criticism, and dramatic arts.
  • Cairn 
    Covers subjects in the humanities and social sciences, representing primarily French and Francophone scholarly publications. Subject areas include law, economics, business, geography, history, literature and language, philosophy, psychology, communications, education, political science, and sociology. 
  • Francis 
    A predominantly French language bibliographic database (1984 - ) which provides indexing and abstracts for a wide range of humanities and social science disciplines.
    ARTFL Database comprises more than 3,500 French language texts spanning from the 12th through the 20th centuries. Texts range from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing. The eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries are about equally represented, with a smaller selection of seventeenth century texts as well as some medieval and Renaissance texts. 
  • Iter: Gateway to the Renaissance
    Bibliography of over 225,000 records from the complete runs of more than 300 scholarly journal titles pertaining to the Renaissance (1300-1700) and Middle Ages (400-1299). Also under construction is a bibliography of books (monographs) covering the same time period.
  • Literature Resource Center
    Information on a large number of authors and literary works taken from Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and other sources. Also includes full-text articles from more than 130 literary journals, a dictionary of literary terms, and links to 5,000 relevant Web sites and special collections.
  • Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) 
    Covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage is given to various fields of linguistics. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,500 serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, and dissertations.

Suggested Journals

This list is a small sample of some useful journals for research in French Literature.

Tips for Searching

AND, OR, NOT (Keyword Boolean)

  • Use AND, OR, NOT to combine search terms
  • Use quotation marks to indicate phrases: "Comédie humaine"
  • Use opening and closing parentheses to group search terms
  • Use ? or * to truncate: femme? or femme*  (will find singular and plural forms). Note that the use of truncation symbols vary in each database or catalog.
  • There is no need to write with diacritics (accents, tildes, etc.)


Balzac AND (thème? OR critique?)

Balzac AND “Comédie humaine”

“ XIXe siècle” AND roman AND France

“social aspects” AND “19th century” AND "French literature"

French AND "pronouns"