Spectroscopy Data and Information : Home
Where to find IR, NMR, and other spectral data online and in our print collection
Introductions to Spectroscopy Methods
Principles of Instrumental Analysis by Skoog, D.; Holler; Crouch, S
Call Number: QD79.I5 S58 2007ISBN: 0495012017Publication Date: 2006Handbook of Spectroscopy by Günter Gauglitz (Editor); Tuan Vo-Dinh (Editor); David S. Moore (Editor)
Call Number: ebookISBN: 3527321500Publication Date: 2014
Standard Sources
The following sources contain a variety of spectral data. These sources are not listed under each spectra type in this guide; you should make a habit of checking these first!
- SciFinderSearch the Chemical Abstracts. Requires registration using your @wisc email. Search by chemical name, identification #, chemical structure, or molecular formula. Make sure you are looking at Experimental Spectra, not the Predicted Sprectra.
- ReaxysRequires users to create an account before using. Includes data from the Beilstein/Gmelin databases as well as patent information. Search by chemical name, identification #, chemical structure, or molecular formula. Good place to find data for organic compounds.Reaxys is a web-based search and retrieval system for chemical compounds, bibliographic data and chemical reactions. Combined data from three sources: The Beilstein Database, The Gmelin Database, and The Patent Chemistry Database.
- Spectral Database for Organic Compounds (SDBS)A database of IR, MS, Raman, and NMR spectra of organic compounds from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan. Can search by compound OR by peak/shift values.
- SpringerMaterialsSpringerMaterials provides access to curated data on 3000+ physical and chemical properties of 250,000+ materials and chemical systems (mixtures, alloys, etc)Relevant to research in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and most Engineering disciplines. Data sources currently include the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the Linus Pauling Files and specialized databases on thermophysical properties, polymer thermodynamics, adsorption isotherms, and 32,000+ substance profiles. 1883 – present.
- NIST WebBookContains: IR spectra for over 16,000
Mass spectra for over 33,000 compounds
UV/Vis spectra for over 1600 compounds - Organic Chemistry Data Collection - SpectroscopyInfo on: NMR (1H, 13C, 19F 31P, 11B, 77Se), IR, UV, MS spectroscopy and links to spectra databases. Originally curated by Dr. Hans Reich, UW-Madison Emeritus Professor.
- SpectrabaseIncludes NMR, IR, Raman, UV-Vis, and Mass Spectra. Allows users 10 free searches per month.
Relevant Journals
About This Guide
This site is an index to spectral properties data accessible primarily to the UW-Madison community. Free online sources are also shown when applicable.
Browse the index of spectra types using the Guide Contents link on the top right of this page. You can also begin with the Standard Sources list on this page.
For assistance locating spectral data, see Tips for Locating Spectral Data below or contact askchem@library.wisc.edu.