Art on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus : Locating Art on Campus
research resources and venues
Librarian Profile

Anna Simon
Kohler Art Library
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
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Current Events
See Arts on Campus for up-to-date information on current arts events at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Arts are covered broadly, including art, dance, design, film, literary arts, music, and theater.
Find Public Artworks on Campus
- Highlights from across campusThis project was designed, and implemented by Berit Ness, a UW-Madison graduate student in Art History, with Daniel Einstein, Historic and Cultural Resources Manager for UW-Madison's Division of Facilities Planning and Management.
- Wisconsin Arts Board, Percent-for-Art Program (1980-2011)Campus benefited from this now-discontinued program during its existence 1980-2011. Open the statewide map and expand the Southern Gateway region to find links to artworks on the UW-Madison campus.
Architecture on Campus
- "The Buildings of the University of Wisconsin"A comprehensive ebook by Jim Feldman published by University Archives, 1997.
- Campus Design GuideA guide organized into five major sections: history of campus, design mission, campus layout, detailed index of the buildings and landscapes, and a brief introduction to the campus design review process.
- Brief History of North Hall(first building constructed on campus)
- History of Science Hall BuildingNote images of both Old Science Hall and New Science Hall. The campus art collection of the time was located in Old Science Hall and was destroyed by fire.
- State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816 State StreetNational Register of Historical Places
Murals and Mosaics
- "The Role of Biochemistry in Plant and Animal Nutrition"by John Steuart Curry
- "The Freeing of the Slaves"John Steuart Curry, 1942.
- "Paul Bunyan" (in temporary storage)by James Watrous
- "The Library: Symbols, Sounds, and Images" (1977)by James Watrous
- "Freedom of Communication" (1973)by James Watrous
- "Ancient Commerce" and "Contemporary Commerce" (1956-57)by James Watrous
Art Galleries on Campus
- Wisconsin Union Directorate GalleriesPorter Butts Gallery, Class of 1925 Gallery, Lakefront on Langdon Gallery, 1308 Gallery
Other Art Exhibit Spaces
- UW Hospital and Health Sciences Learning CenterHospital Main Entrance, Hospital Skylight area, HSLC Atrium
Campus is rich with visual art and small exhibit spaces, this listing is NOT comprehensive. Other examples include: the UWSC Art Gallery, the OHR Art Gallery, the Hi/Lo Gallery, the Academic Staff Art Gallery, Continuing Studies Art Gallery, and more.
Art Collections: Online Information
- Chazen MuseumSearchable database of objects in the Chazen Museum's permanent collection.
- Wisconsin Historical Museum Collections OnlineSelected objects from the Museum collections are on display at the Wisconsin Historical Society headquarters on the UW-Madison campus.
- Helen Louise Allen Textile CollectionSearchable database of objects in the School of Human Ecology's Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection