Creative Writing Research Guide : Researching Poetry
Poetry Reference
- Contemporary AuthorsIncluded in "Gale Literature Resource Center" - find profiles and information about poets and authors here.
- Electronic Poetry CenterThe EPC was founded in 1995 and serves as a central gateway to resources in electronic poetry and poetics at the University at Buffalo, the University of Pennsylvania's PennSound PennSound, UBU web, and on the Web at large. Our aim is simple: to make available a wide range of resources centered on digital and contemporary formally innovative poetries, new media writing, and literary programming.
- Library of Congress Poetry ResourcesThis site is a comprehensive guide to locating poetry resources available on the Library of Congress's Web site.
- New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and PoeticsProvides a comprehensive reference for those interested in the history of poetry or in any aspect of the technique or criticism of poetry. Provides surveys of national poetries; descriptions of poetic forms and genres; detailed explanations of the devices of prosody and rhetoric; and overviews of all major schools of poetry ancient and modern, Western and Eastern.
- Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in EnglishA comprehensive guide to modern poetry in English. Coverage includes 1,400 poets worldwide, including America, Britain and Ireland, New Zealand, Trinidad and Zimbabwe. There are also entries on magazines, movements, and critical terms.
Individual Poets and Recordings
- From the FishhouseAn audio archive showcasing emerging poets reading their own poems, as well as answering questions about poetry and the writing process.
- Library of CongressPoetry page from Library of Congress.
- PennSoundExcellent archive and distribution site of more than 1,500 digital recordings of poets and others reading and discussing poetry. There are interviews with poets and writers also. It is the largest collection of poetry sound files on the Internet. This is a project of the Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Poetry FoundationThe Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, has a vast online collection of poems and poets, searchable and browsable by subject, school/period, poet's region, poet's birthdate, poetic forms, and more.
- (Academy of American Poets)Free site features biographies of more than 500 poets, and an audio archive of 700 clips are available to listen to (e.g. Robert Frost, Dylan Thomas, Langston Hughes).
- UbuWeb Sound RecordingsA vast resource of audio, with a focus on the avant-garde. Includes recordings of William Carlos Williams, Allen Ginsberg, John Ashbery, ee cummings, Ezra Pound, Frank O'Hara, and many others.
- Walt Whitman ArchiveThis Archive makes Whitman's vast work conveniently accessible. It contains multiple U.S. and foreign editions of his published poems, journalism and prose and also manuscripts, biography, letters and correspondence, criticism, reviews, and teaching resources.
- William Blake ArchiveFree site featuring the full text works of William Blake.