Vernacular Architecture Research Guide : Find Articles
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Vernacular Architecture Forum database
The Vernacular Architecture Forum compiles an ongoing citation list of books, articles and other publications. Because contents are specifically chosen to assist researchers on vernacular architecture, this publicly-accessible bibliography is often the best place to begin searching. The bibliography is in transition and is currently available in two increments. Search both for best results.
[Many issues of the journals of the Vernacular Architecture Forum are available to UW-Madison researchers via JSTOR and Project Muse.]
- Vernacular Architecture Bibliography (through 2012)Use your browser's search function to locate a word or phrase in the citation list.
- Vernacular Architecture Bibliography (post-2012)Search for a word or phrase in this Zotero Group citation list.
- Buildings and Landscapes (VAF journal, 2007- )2007+ issues available through Project Muse
- Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture (VAF journal, 1982-2006)1982-2005 issues available via JSTOR
Indexes Online--Architecture, Art, Design
Search for articles on your topic in the following databases, then use FindIt (or the Library Catalog) to determine whether online and/or print copies of the article are available.
Indexes Online--History, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology
Search for articles on your topic in the following databases, then use FindIt (or the Library Catalog) to determine whether online and/or print copies of the article are available.
- America: History and LifeMajor index for US/Canada history
- Historical AbstractsMajor index for world history, excluding North America
Indexes Online--Multidisciplinary
Search for articles on your topic in the following databases, then use FindIt (or the Library Catalog) to determine whether online and/or print copies of the article are available.
HINT: you may need a different search strategy when searching in multidisciplinary databases. For example, when searching in a database that ONLY contains articles relating to architecture, the general search term "architecture" is unnecessary and may even be counterproductive. Alternatively, in a multidisciplinary database, using the search term "architecture" may be essential to good results.
- JSTORsome issues of "Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture" available here
- Project Musesome issues of "Buildings & Landscapes" journal available here
Librarian Profile
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.