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Finding Art Images : Library Databases
Librarian Profile

Anna Simon
Kohler Art Library
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
Social: Twitter Page
Find images in online books
Collections of online books are excellent sources for illustration images. Historical book collections provide primary source evidence of the imagery of the time. Selected e-book collections include the following:
- Early English Books Online (EEBO)Includes 125,000 titles, comprising almost all books printed in English before 1700.
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)Includes 180,000 titles, both English and non-English language titles printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century.
- Sabin Americana (1500-1926)Includes works about the Americas published throughout the world (1500-1926)
- Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)Includes 36,000 items, attempting to comprise all works published in America through 1800.
- HathiTrust: a shared digital repositoryIncludes books contributed to Google Books for scanning by Big Ten and other partner libraries. Items in HathiTrust are also in Google Books but may have greater availability and searchability here.
Find images in online newspapers
Although image reproduction quality in newspapers is often poorer than that found in journals, newspapers can still be useful sources for visual culture researchers. The following ProQuest historical newspaper databases allow you to search for document types such as: comics, display ads, editorial cartoons, and photos-standalone. The Gale Illustrated London News database allows limits for advertising and illustration type, as well as a limit to color illustrations.
- New York TimesProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Times, 1851-2005
- Chicago TribuneProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune, 1849-1986
- Los Angeles TimesProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, 1881-1986
- Pittsburgh CourierProQuest Historical Newspapers: Pittsburgh Courier, 1911-2002
- Atlanta Daily WorldProQuest Historical Newspapers: Atlanta Daily World: 1931-2003
- Chicago DefenderProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Chicago Defender 1905-1975
- Los Angeles SentinelProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Sentinel: 1934-2005
- New York Amsterdam NewsProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Amsterdam News: 1922-1993