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COM ARTS 262: Theory and Practice of Argumentation and Debate (Spring 2025) : Find Sources Using Library Databases

Required library databases

For your second paper (contexts of argument) and your final speech, a minimum number of sources for each must come from the following library databases:

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

  • Contains viewpoint articles, topic overviews, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles on many topics currently debated in U.S. society.
  • Click "Browse issues" link in upper right to get a list of all the topics the database covers.
    • Optional: click "View all" next to "Topics" on left to narrow the list of topics a bit.
  • Three search options:
    • Main "Search" box in upper left.
    • "Advanced search" (link below main search box). 
      • Allows you to limit by 
        • Publication date
        • Content type
      • Gives you a more structured search, with search boxes you can connect by the operators AND, OR.  
      • "Advanced search" allows you to search for terms in specific field or parts of a record, like title or author, or entire document.
    • "Search within results:" use when you've browsed issues and clicked on an issue.  This search option will appear just above the lists of results by content type.


Academic Search

  • Multidisciplinary database, covering many subjects.
  • Indexes and abstracts articles from academic journals, newspapers and other news sources, magazines, and trade journals.
  • Look at "subject" terms for ideas of other terms to use in searches.
  • Part of the EbscoHost family of databases.

Finding databases by subject or type

The UW-Madison Libraries subscribe to hundreds of databases.  To find databases by the subjects or types of resources they cover (for example, videos, statistics, primary sources), see the "Searching for a Database by Topic" section of the Finding Article Databases tip sheet.

Getting to the full text

Follow  Check Find It for availability. A new window will open... (Find It button) or the "Find It at UW Madison" link in most databases to:

  • access the full article (when available)
  • determine if the journal is available in print (Library Catalog)
  • request a copy of the article (PDF) if the full article is not available online (Request a Copy link)

If you already have a citation, use the Citation Search to find the full article.

Tips for searching article databases

For an expanded version of this box, see the Searching Databases tip sheet. 

  • Use AND to combine different words to find all those words, in any order AND narrows your search.
    • internships AND compensation
  • Use OR to combine similar words or phrases to find either of the words or phrases. OR broadens your search. 
    • paid OR compensation
  • Use quotation marks to find words as a phrase
    • "internship programs"
  • Use an asterisk ( * ) to find varied ends of words .
    • compensat* will find compensation, compensate, and compensated l
  • Review "subject headings" or "descriptors" to identify additional and useful search terms.
  • Apply limits or filters to your results (by date, document type, or other).