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APA Style Guidelines


General Rules: Citing Newspaper Articles

In-text Citation: Information to Include

In-text citations and signal phrases can be woven into sentences and paragraphs in multiple ways, and what you emphasize depends on what information will be most relevant and/or persuasive to your reader. However, the following information should always be included:

  • Attributive tag or signal phrase that introduces your source
  • Author
  • Date


Reference Citation: Information to Include

Authorlastname, Authorfirstinitial. (Year, Month Day). Article title in sentence case. Title of Newspaper in Italics. URL_but_not_active_hyperlink



Authorlastname, Authorfirstinitial. (Year, Month Day). Article title in sentence case. Title of Newspaper in Italics. Sectionindicatorpagenumber.

or, if no author

Article title in sentence case. (Year, Month Day). Title of Newspaper in Italics. URL_but_not_active_hyperlink


Specific Example: Online Newspaper Article with an Author

In-text Citation Options

In a New York Times article, correspondent Kevin Allison (2016) reported that P&G will have to invest more in their own brands or buy trendy new players at inflated prices to neutralize the threat of their competitors.


According to The New York Times, because of new threats to the marketing industry, P&G will have to invest more in their own brands or buy trendy new players at inflated prices to neutralize the threat of their competitors (Allison, 2016).


Because of these new threats to the marketing industry, P&G will have to invest more in their own brands or buy trendy new players at inflated prices to neutralize the threat of their competitors (Allison, 2016).


References Page Entry

Allison, K. (2016, August 3). Online upstarts pose a threat to Procter & Gamble. The New York Times.


Specific Example: Newspaper Article with an Author from a Database; No Pages or Sections

In-text Citation Options

The Washington Post reported that “Russia is fighting more than 190 forest fires in Siberia” (Dixon, 2021).


Fires in Siberia have “closed airports and roads, forced widespread evacuations and sent a pall of smoke across the North Pole” (Dixon, 2021).


References Page Entry

Dixon, R. (2021, August 12).  Siberia blazes bigger than total of world’s other fires.  The Washington Post.

Note: articles from library databases that encompass many different publications do not include the database name or url.


Specific Example: Online Newspaper Article without an Author

An article in a newspaper without an author is usually an editorial, authored by editorial staff from the newspaper and reflective of the editorial board’s point of view. For example, editorials from The Wall Street Journal will be right of center, while editorials from The New York Times will be left of center.

In-text Citation Options

The New York Times argued that we’ve known about the consequences of carbon emissions for 30 years, missing many chances to mitigate the effects that are now almost guaranteed, meaning we face “more droughts, more forest fires, more crippling heat waves, more sea level rise, more floods” (“Finding the Will,” 2021).

Over the past 30 years, we’ve had the chance to mitigate the effects of carbon emissions, but those effects are now almost guaranteed, meaning we face “more droughts, more forest fires, more crippling heat waves, more sea level rise, more floods” (“Finding the Will,” 2021).


References Page Entry

Finding the will to stave off a darker future. (2021, August 14). The New York Times.


Specific Example: Newspaper Article from a Print Edition

In-text Citation Options

A report from the National Retail Federation, cited in The Washington Post, showed that shoplifting is often linked to organized crime (Peiser, 2023).

A recent article in The Washington Post discussed a report from the National Retail Federation that showed that shoplifting is often linked to organized crime (Peiser, 2023).


References Page Entry

Peiser, J. (2023, October 8). Is there a shoplifting crisis? What you need to know about retail crime. The Washington Post, G03.


When to include "The" in the Title of a Newspaper

Use “The” as part of a newspaper’s title if “The” appears on the front page where the name of the publication is listed.  So, The New York Times is correct, but so is Chicago Tribune, since the Chicago Tribune doesn't include “the” as part of its official name.