GeoData@Wisconsin is an online geoportal that provides discovery and access to Wisconsin geospatial data, aerial imagery, and scanned maps. It is developed and maintained by the UW-Madison Geography Department's Robinson Map Library and State Cartographer's Office. The geoportal combines a map-based spatial search with traditional keyword searching and faceted browsing options to locate and download geospatial data.
Center for Sustainability & the Global Environment - 1710 Univ Ave
The Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE) aims to improve our understanding of the global environment, and how it is being affected by human activities. Link to downloadable maps, data and models:
North Temperate Lakes – Long Term Ecological Research Spatial Data catalog (UW-Madison)
Search for and download datasets like detailed bathymetry of select Wisconsin lakes (i.e. Lake Mendota.)
Wisconsin Geologic & Natural History Survey - 3817 Mineral Point Rd
Staff at the Wisconsin Geologic and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) annually respond to more than 20,000 requests for information and assistance in the areas of geology, hydrology, minerals and mining, soils, biology, natural hazards, topographic maps, and other environmental and natural resource topics.
Link to downloadable data:
Wisconsin Food Security Project (UW-Madison Applied Population Lab (APL, School of Human Ecology, UW-Madison)
The recently expanded Wisconsin Food Security Project provides an interactive website for exploring and documenting food security and food security infrastructure throughout the state. Key features include mapping and charting, PDF profiles, and tabular data downloads.
Wisconsin State Agencies
DATCP (Dept. of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection) FTP Site
From gypsy moth treatment sites, to Wisconsin’s nutrient management regulations and specialty meat production, view a series of web mapping applications that display these datasets and more.
Department of Health Services Open Data
This website is where you can find, view, and download GIS data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. The GIS data available here reflects areas we serve as an agency.
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Open Data
Download data directly from the Open Data site, published by the WI DNR.
Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) GIS Data and Maps
The WGNHS provides downloadable maps and GIS data in shapefile and coverage formats. These include bedrock geology, glacial geology, water-table elevation maps, etc.
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC)
Click on “GIS Maps” at the top of this page to see what mapping information may be available. The Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission is commonly known by its acronym, GLIFWC.
A Handbook of Web-based Environmental Geospatial Data for Wisconsin Planners
This document is composed of information about environmental geospatial data and data sources that we expect planners and professionals in fields related to natural resources would be seeking.
Land Cover (WISCLAND) – Wisconsin Land cover data
WISCLAND is the Wisconsin Initiative for Statewide Cooperation on Landscape Analysis and Data, a partnership of public and private organizations seeking to facilitate landscape GIS data development and analysis.