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UW-Madison Libraries Orientation - Russia / Eastern Europe / Central Asia : Services


The Libraries offer an extensive suite of services and expertise all designed to support students, faculty, and staff at UW-Madison.

Librarian helping a student at a desk


Library staff also provide expertise and guidance on diverse topics, such as:

Subject Librarians

Student working with a librarian in the Map Library

If you need help specific to your major or research subject, contact a subject librarian. Subject librarians have expert knowledge on conducting research in a specific discipline, and can help you to understand the scope of your area of study and plan your research, as well as help you to identify the most valuable resources and tools to save you time. To find and contact a subject librarian, search or filter by subject or department on the Subject Librarians page.

Request Materials

Using our catalog, you can  for pick-up at a library location that’s convenient for you.

Library Research Instruction

From , to citation manager workshops, to micro-courses, library instruction helps you get organized and save time.

Interlibrary Loan

You can request materials we don't have for your research, study and teaching through  for free!

Distance Services

If you live outside of Dane County, be sure to check out our Distance Services.