215 South Hamilton St.
Room L1007
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 266-6316
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 to 4:30
Legal Assistance - DCLRC serves the legal information needs of judges, attorneys, and the general public by providing reference and research assistance, training, and forms sales and distribution. The Center also assists the Dane County Sheriff's Department with providing legal information to inmates of the Dane County Jail. Borrowing privileges are available to court staff, licensed attorneys, federal, state, and city government agency employees. Borrower cards obtained at DCLRC can also be used at the Wisconsin State Law Library. . DCLRC reference staff can help users in the library or answer questions via phone, mail, or email. Resource Center staff cannot give legal advice but can refer users to other local agencies who can offer legal assistance.
Eligibility - Judges, attorneys and the general public.
Costs - No costs, except for legal forms that are available for purchase or for document delivery.
Contact - Bob Lopez, Reference/Outreach Services Librarian.
Staff - Two librarians.
Publications -
Website at: http://wilawlibrary.gov/about/locations.html
Low-Cost Legal Assistance In Dane County - https://wilawlibrary.gov/topics/countylinks/dclegalassist.pdf
Dane County Family Court Resource Booklet: https://familycourtservices.countyofdane.com/documents/PDFs/FC-ResourceBooklet.pdf
Frank J. Remington Center
University of Wisconsin Law School
975 Bascom Mall, Room 4318
Madison, WI 53703-2208
Phone: (608) 262-1002
Email: fjrc@law.wisc.edu
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Legal Assistance - Civil legal services to inmates as part of a UW Law School clinical program including: Inmates in minimum-security institutions in the Wisconsin Prison System; Inmates in county jails in Wisconsin; Patients in mental health centers in Wisconsin, including the Wisconsin Resource Center; Inmates in prisons or jails outside of Wisconsin; Individuals on probation or parole supervision; or Any individuals who are not incarcerated.
Eligibility - Prisoners in maximum or medium-security prisons and prisoners in the federal prison at Oxford, Wisconsin. Inmates seeking assistance from LAIP must complete an "interview/information request form" (form # DOC-643) available at the particular institution. Inmates are scheduled for interviews on a "first come, first served" basis, and should bring relevant documents to the interview if possible. LAIP may decline to interview inmates who have already been assisted.
Costs - Free services
Contact - fjrc@law.wisc.edu
Staff - UW law students under supervision of faculty.
Publications - Information available on a sub page of the UW Law School's web site at http://www.law.wisc.edu/FJR/laip/index.htm.
Frank J. Remington Center
University of Wisconsin Law School
975 Bascom Mall
Madison, WI 53706-1399
Phone: (608) -262-1002
Legal Assistance - Represents prison inmates who claim to be actually innocent of the crimes for which they are incarcerated.
Eligibility - Select cases involving inmates claiming innocence; the WIP is unable to unable to represent all prisoners with claims of innocence. See website for case-selection criteria.
Costs - Free Services.
Contact - 608.262.1002. For instructions on submitting a case to the WIP, see web site (below).
Staff - UW Law students under direction of clinical faculty.
Publications - Web page for representation- https://www.law.wisc.edu/fjr/clinicals/ip/representation.html