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ASIAN/RELIG ST 236: Asia Enchanted: Ghosts, Gods, and Monsters (Summer 2024) : Find Sources

Search Tips

  • Use AND to combine different words to find all those words, in any order - usually narrows search, reduces results  
    • supernatural AND Japan
  • Use OR to combine similar words or synonyms or variations - usually broadens search, increases results
    • oni OR demon
  • Use quotation marks ( " ") to search words as a phrase - usually narrows search, reduces results
    • "ghost stories" 
  • Use an asterisk ( * ) to find varied endings of words and singular and plural forms - usually broadens search, increases results
    • Vietnam* finds Vietnam, Vietnamese
  • Look at Subject Terms to find additional keywords and use them to find relevant and specific results.
  • Look for an option to limit to Scholarly Journals on the left side of search results in most databases

For more search tips, see this tutorial: 

Find Articles

Below are databases that are useful for finding scholarly sources such as journal articles and book chapters or essays.  Some databases cover many subjects (for example, Articles Search and JSTOR); others focus on specific subjects. The topic of your course relates to several subjects such as anthropology, Asian studies, folklore, history, literature, and religion, and you will find databases that focus on these subjects or disciplines.

Getting to the Full Article

Follow  Check Find It for availability. A new window will open... (Find It button) or the "Find It at UW Madison" link in most databases to:

  • access the full article (when available)
  • determine if the journal is available in print (Library Catalog)
  • request a copy of the article (PDF) if the full article is not available online (Request a Copy link)

If you already have a citation, use the Citation Search to find the full article.