This LibGuide will assist in locating print and electronic resources useful in researching federal tax law. Always start with the Internal Revenue Code and then look to corresponding treasury regulations, case law, administrative rulings, and agency documents for interpretation and analysis.
Also keep in mind secondary sources to get an overview of a particular tax topic. For a comprehensive analysis on this subject be sure to consult: "Federal Income Taxation" by Mary A. Hotchkins in Specialized Legal Research, edited by Penny Hazelton. Call number: Law Reserves KF 240 S69.
Looseleaf services collect all the primary federal tax sources --statutes, regulations, decisions -- in one handy set. Some of these services are arranged by Internal Revenue Code section while others are organized by topic. All looseleafs are updated frequently, offer detailed indexing, and provide insightful commentary, making them extremely useful for tax research. Online versions of these services are indispensible for the experienced tax practitioner. Note that BNA Tax Portfolios are not available in print at the UW Law Library but are available with a Bloomberg Law password to law students, faculty and staff.