Art and Art History : Major Resources
collection of e-resources useful for art historical research
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Librarian Profile

Anna Simon
Kohler Art Library
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
Social: Twitter Page
Art Encyclopedia/Background Information
- Grove Art Online (contained within Oxford Art Online)Online full-text version of a 34 volume encyclopedia with signed entry articles written by art historians.
- The Met's Heilbrunn Timeline of Art HistoryAn overview of art history, the Heilbrunn Timeline pairs essays and works of art with chronologies,
telling the story of art and global culture
through the Museum’s collection.
Major Art Research Databases (Articles)
- Art Full TextThorough coverage of arts of all periods and regions; includes citations or full text for 750+ art journals. Coverage from 1984-present
- Art Index RetrospectiveCovers art journals from 1929-1984
- ARTbibliographies ModernABM focuses on art from the late 19th century to the present.
- Bibliography of the History of ArtFocuses on European/American art from c. 400 A.D. to the present. Includes citations from 1975-2007. See International Bibliography of Art for continuation.
- International Bibliography of ArtBegins with 2008 data. Focus is European art from late antiquity to the present, American art from the colonial era to the present, and global art since 1945. Continues BHA.
- JSTOR: the scholarly journal archiveContains full text of c. 120 art-related journals. Recent years are omitted.
- Art & Architecture ePortalOnline collection of key backlist and out-of-print scholarly works in the fields of art and architectural history published by: The Art Institute of Chicago, The MIT Press, Yale University Press, Harvard Art Museums, and the Yale University Art Gallery. The portal allows the user to browse all images (by artist, title, or date) and allows instructors to easily create custom course packs.
Interdisciplinary databases
- Humanities International CompleteComprehensive database covering more than 2,100 journals, books and other important reference sources published worldwide in the humanities, with a focus on literary, scholarly and creative thought.
- LexisNexis AcademicGood for finding reviews, obituaries, and features. International and U.S. newspapers, ethnic and regional news sources, magazines, wire services, newsletters, trade journals, company and industry analyst reports, and broadcast transcripts. Ads, obituaries, graphics typically not included. To access the source directory, click the main "Sources" tab from any page, or click the "More Sources" link from a Search form. The Wisconsin State Journal, 1992-to date; and The Capital Times, 1992-to date.
- MLA International BibliographyA subject index for books, articles and websites published on modern languages, literature, folklore, and linguistics, including art. An essential inter-disciplinary database, it is produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), an organization dedicated to the study and teaching of language and literature. Not full-text.
- Project MuseProvides digital humanities and social sciences books and journals from leading university presses and scholarly societies. Contains topic area for art and architecture.
- ProQuest Dissertations & ThesesIncludes millions of doctoral dissertations in all subject areas completed at over 700 academic institutions worldwide. Some masters theses are also included.
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times (1881-1994)This version of The Los Angeles Times includes full-text and full-image articles since its beginning year. Digital reproductions of every page and every article from every issue are available in downloadable PDF files.
- Proquest Historical Newspapers New York Times (1851-2014)This version of The New York Times includes full-text and full-image articles since its beginning year. Digital reproductions of every page and every article from every issue are available in downloadable PDF files.
Special Topic Art Research Databases
- Avery Index to Architectural PeriodicalsThe major index for architecture research.
- Design and Applied Arts IndexFocuses on design and crafts journals from 1973-present.
- Art History Research netCovers early 20th c. journals important to the development of 20th century design, decorative arts, architecture, and posters.
- Index to Nineteenth-Century American Art Periodicals (1844 - 1907)Indexes 42 art journals published in the United States during the nineteenth century.
- Perseus Digital Library (Classical Antiquity)Focuses on the history, literature, and culture of the Greco-Roman world
- Vernacular Architecture Forum bibliography databaseBibliography is in transition, migrating to a public Zotero group.
Finding Art
- ARTstorContains approximately 1.7 million images in the areas of western and non-western art.
Writing About Art
A Short Guide to Writing about Art by Sylvan Barnet
Call Number: Reference N7476 B37 2015The essential book for learning how to look at and write about art. Older copies are available for check-out in the stacks.
Looking at Art
- How do you look? Promoting visual literacy at Duke University and beyond.Site poses question to help analyze what is seen; provides information and bibliographies.
Thinking About Art
- The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and CriticismIndispensable resource for scholars and students of literary and art theory. The Guide presents a comprehensive historical survey of the field's most important figures, schools, and movements.