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ASIAN 371: Topics in Chinese Literature: Journey to the West and Creation of the Gods (Fall 2024) : Search Strategies for Digital Resources

Getting Full Text Articles & Book Chapters

Follow  Find It at UW button  (Find It button) or the "Find It at UW Madison" link in most databases to:

  • access online full text (when available)
  • see if the journal or book is available in print if it is not accessible online
  • request a free pdf of the article or book chapter if full text is not available online (Request a Copy)

If you already have a citation, use this Citation Search to search for your article.

How to Develop a Research Topic?



How do you search within databases?


Some search tips


Boolean Operators 

AND: ALL search terms will be present. Narrow the search.

OR: EITHER search terms will be present. Broaden the search.

NOT: EXCLUDE search terms will be present. Narrow the search.


" " (quotation marks): search an exact phrase

 e.g., "East Asia"

* or ? (truncation symbol): search the word with the same root/character

e.g. "Chin*" for China, Chinese