Historical Full-text Book Collections for Art-related Research : Home
Selected Full-text Book Collections Online
- Early English Books Online (EEBO)EEBO provides full-text images of almost all the books printed in England and her colonies from the beginning of printing to 1700 (about 125,000 titles). You can search for books on your topic by author, title, and keyword, or search just for illustrations from these books if you wish. EEBO includes the items listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661), and additional supplementary materials. Gradually, searchable electronic text versions of a selection of these books are being added to the project. These searchable texts are called: EEBO-TCP, the Early English Books Online Text Creation Project. Eventually both EEBO and EEBO-TCP will be combined into one database. For now, in addition to using using Early English Books Online (EEBO), check EEBO-TCP if you want to do want to do keyword searching within an individual work. (Updates vary)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Early English Books Online-Text Creation Partnership (EEBO-TCP)This database provides full-text searching for a selection of books contained in the EEBO database. The University of Michigan, the University of Oxford, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), and ProQuest Information and Learning are engaged in an exceptional partnership to create structured SGML/XML text editions for a significant portion of the Short Title Catalog of Early English books published between 1473 and 1700. ProQuest has already created digital images for nearly 125,000 works, distributed under the title Early English Books Online. The Universities of Michigan and Oxford, with the support of the international library community, are creating accurately keyboarded and tagged editions of a significant portion of this culturally significant corpus. The Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership has proposed to create 25,000 searchable and readable editions that link immediately to the corresponding ProQuest image files. In combination, the text and image editions of these works provide a powerful research and instructional tool of unquestioned enduring value.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)ECCO consists of every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas. All 180,000 items in the database are full-text searchable and other features include an image gallery, chronology of events and lists of key works on various topics. (Updates vary)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Sabin Americana (1500 - 1926)This full text collection is based on Joseph Sabin's landmark bibliography (Bibliotheca Americana), including works about the Americas published throughout the world from 1476 to the early 1900's. Books, pamphlets, serials and other documents are available. (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
Additional Sources
The libraries subscribe to many smaller, thematic collections of online books. Search the Library Catalog for electronic resources relating to your research topic.
- Afro-Americana Imprints (1535-1922)African American Imprints contains over 12,000 books, pamphlets and broadsides, including many lesser-known imprints, which represent an unparalleled record of African American history, literature and culture. This collection spans nearly 400 years, from the early 16th to the early 20th century. Critically important subjects covered include the West's discovery and exploitation of Africa; the rise of slavery in the New World along with the growth and success of abolitionist movements; the development of racial thought and racism; descriptions of African American life -- slave and free -- throughout the Americas; and slavery and race in fiction and drama. Also featured are printed works of African American individuals and organizations.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Art Theorists of the Italian RenaissanceArt Theorists of the Italian Renaissance is a searchable, full-text collection of leading treatises on art and architecture written between 1470 and 1775. Languages are Latin or Italian, with some English translations. First or early editions of texts have been preferred; translations, if provided, are from the period (with two exceptions from 1912-15 and 1907). (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Getty Research PortalThe Getty Research Portal is an online platform providing global access to digitized art history texts. The Portal is comprised of catalog records that link to full, digitized texts hosted by the contributing institutions or their service providers. The digitized resources include fundamental texts, rare books, exhibition catalogues, auction catalogues, and related literature.
Available to everyone. - Gerritsen Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs: Women's History OnlineThis contains the full text of over 4,700 publications from around the world documenting the condition of women, the evolution of feminist consciousness, and women's rights. The collection consists of books, monographs, pamphlets, and periodicals primarily in English with many other languages also represented. The full text of documents can be searched by keyword and Boolean operators. (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
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Anna Simon
Kohler Art Library
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
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Why use old books?
- They contain information that may not exist elsewhere.
- You can search for information on artists or art-related topics in books published during specific time periods of interest.
- Books may contain visual images (engravings, illustrations, photographs).
- Books are primary source evidence of the visual and material culture of their times.