- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Research Guides
- Art
- Art Databases
Cross-Database Searching
- Proquest Databases for Arts and HumanitiesNOTE: Look at the list of default selected databases to remove off-topic choices that may compromise the precision of your search retrievals.
- Choose Databases (EBSCO) from within Art Full TextNOTE: Open any EBSCO database (for example, Art Full Text) and click "Choose Databases" to select art-related databases to cross-search.
- Afro-Americana Imprints (1535-1922)African American Imprints contains over 12,000 books, pamphlets and broadsides, including many lesser-known imprints, which represent an unparalleled record of African American history, literature and culture. This collection spans nearly 400 years, from the early 16th to the early 20th century. Critically important subjects covered include the West's discovery and exploitation of Africa; the rise of slavery in the New World along with the growth and success of abolitionist movements; the development of racial thought and racism; descriptions of African American life -- slave and free -- throughout the Americas; and slavery and race in fiction and drama. Also featured are printed works of African American individuals and organizations.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - America: History and LifeThis database indexes and abstracts more than 1700 social science and humanities journals in the field of United States and Canadian history. (See Historical Abstracts for non-North American coverage.) Links to full-text articles are included when available. Books and dissertations are included. (Updated monthly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Année Philologique, L'This database is the most comprehensive index to scholarly work in classical studies. It collects citations for works relating to every aspect of Greek and Roman civilization (authors and texts; literature; linguistics; political, economic, and social history; attitudes and daily life; religion; cultural and artistic life; law; philosophy; science and technology; and the history of classical studies). (Updated annually)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - AP ImagesThis database provides access to over 4.6 million photographs from the Associated Press news organization, dating from 1826 to moments ago. Also included are graphics, audio files and more. (Updated continuously)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in AmericaThis directory was created to to help researchers locate primary source material about American collectors, dealers, agents and advisors, and the repositories that hold these records. Archives related to American collectors of the fine and decorative arts, including antiquities and non-Western art are included. Each record provides information about specific archival collections, their location, content when available, links, and contact information. (Updated regularly)
Available to everyone. - Art and Architecture ePortalOnline collection of key backlist and newly- published scholarly works in the fields of art and architectural history. Publishers include: The Art Institute of Chicago, The MIT Press, Yale University Press, Harvard Art Museums, and the Yale University Art Gallery. The portal allows the user to browse all images (by artist, title, or date) and allows instructors to easily create custom course packs.
- Art and Architecture in VideoThis online streaming film collection delivers over 500 hours of documentaries and interviews illustrating the theory and practice of a variety of art forms and providing the context necessary for critical analysis. The collection spans period and region, including coverage of the Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Modern, and Contemporary art. In addition to art history and theory, the collection addresses applied topics such as architectural and graphic design.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - ARTbibliographies ModernARTbibliographies Modern provides information on modern and contemporary art dating from the late 19th century onwards, including photography since its invention. The database provides descriptions of journal articles, reviews, and art publications such as exhibition catalogs, monographs and artists’ books. Publications dating back to the late 1960s are described. The coverage includes traditional media such as illustration, painting, printmaking, sculpture and drawing, as well as performance art, installation works, photography, video art, computer and electronic art, body art, graffiti, artists' books, theatre arts, conservation, crafts, ceramics, glass art, ethnic art, graphic design, museums and galleries, fashion, and calligraphy.
(Updated monthly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Art Discovery Group CatalogueThe Art Discovery Group Catalogue (via WorldCat) is a combined catalogue of international art library holdings. Member institutions making their collections discoverable include art libraries from 16 countries in Europe, North America, and Australia. A number of museum libraries in the U.S. are included, such as the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Metropolitan Museum in NYC, and the Art Institute of Chicago. Note that this catalogue is not tied to the UW-Madison Library Catalog or borrowing systems. Please check whether items are available locally before placing Interlibrary Loan requests.
- Art Full TextArt Full Text provides indexing and abstracting of over 600 key English and foreign-language periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, including select full-text coverage. Nearly 2,000 art dissertations are also abstracted and indexed. Its subject matter covers archaeology, architecture, art history, crafts, decorative arts, graphic arts, industrial and interior design, landscape architecture, museology, and film, video and photography. Feature articles are indexed, as are bibliographies, notices of competitions and awards, reports of conferences and exhibitions, book and film reviews, and significant editorials and letters to the editor. Reproductions of works of art are also indexed. See Art Index Retrospective for coverage of earlier (1929-1984) journal literature. (Updated monthly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only - Art History Research netArt History Research net consists of four related and linked databases: Design Abstracts Retrospective, Review, Arts + Architecture Profiles, and Research Sources: The Poster. Design Abstracts Retrospective (DAR) is an ongoing abstracting and indexing service that aims to cover full contents of 70 of the most important design and applied arts journals published between 1900-1986. Review contains digitised full-text versions of 19th and early 20th century decorative and fine arts journals. It currently contains 28 full text journals, including: The Studio (London),vols. 1-50, 1893-1910; Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, vols. 1-27, 1897-1911; Art et Décoration, vols.1-28, 1897-1910; and The Poster, vols.1-6, 1898-1901. Arts+Architecture Profiles has biographical data on over 40,000 artists, architects, craftspeople and designers. Research Sources: The Poster contains extensive information on Poster Design, including: A History of the Poster: a Bibliographical and Online Survey; digitizations of the most of the significant books, exhibition catalogues and journals on the Poster published between 1890s-1920s; and an International Directory of Poster Collections.
- Art Index RetrospectiveThis index is the predecessor to Art Full Text, citing articles and reproductions from more than 600 key English and foreign-language periodicals from 1929 through 1984. Subject matter includes broad coverage of art, architecture, graphics, crafts, decorative arts, industrial and interior design, photography, film and video. (Not updated).
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - artlibraries.net - Virtual Catalogue for Art Historyartlibraries.net -- Virtual Catalogue for Art History (http://www.artlibraries.net/), formerly the VKK, is an international specialized meta catalogue allowing the integrated retrieval of bibliographic records and, should the occasion arise, other objects of distinctive art historical databases. Currently, artlibraries.net gives access to more than 12 million records (as of October 2010), including a high percentage of records for articles in periodicals, conference papers, festschriften, exhibition catalogues and exhibition books, etc., and an increasing percentage of records for archival and photographic materials as well as for online resources. (Updated continually)
Available to everyone. - ARTstorARTstor provides over 1.8 million digital images in the arts, architecture, and humanities. Collections include image contributions from museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates. Users can search for images by keyword or browse images by geography, classification or collection. Registered users may print or download images.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Art Theorists of the Italian RenaissanceArt Theorists of the Italian Renaissance is a searchable, full-text collection of leading treatises on art and architecture written between 1470 and 1775. Languages are Latin or Italian, with some English translations. First or early editions of texts have been preferred; translations, if provided, are from the period (with two exceptions from 1912-15 and 1907). (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - ATLA Religion Database with ATLA SerialsThe ATLA Religion Database (formerly ATLA Religion Index) indexes more than 600 of the leading journals in the field of religion and theology. The index also includes essays from multi-author works and book reviews. ATLAS (= ATLA Serials) has full-text content from approximately 190 journals. Most of these are full-text back to 1949 and indexed from 1908, although some do not include the most recent 1-5 years. (Updated semiannually)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Avery Index to Architectural PeriodicalsThe Avery Index is the primary architectural periodical index published in North America. It indexes a broad range of articles on architecture from such diverse fields as archaeology, decorative arts, interior design, landscape architecture, city planning, and housing. Coverage reaches from the 1930s (with selective coverage dating back to the 1860s) to the present. The number of periodicals covered varies from 300-500 annually. (Updated weekly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Benezit Dictionary of Artists (contained within Oxford Art Online)The Benezit Dictionary of Artists is online via Oxford Art Online. With nearly 170,000 entries on artists from antiquity to the present day, Benezit is one of the most comprehensive and definitive resources on artists in the English language. It covers artists from around the globe working in a variety of media--from painters and sculptors to calligraphers, printmakers, illustrators, installation artists, and performance artists. Benezit contains thousands of auction records, museum holdings, exhibition histories, and bibliographies. Two features in particular make Benezit unique among art reference works: its superb coverage of obscure artists and the inclusion of over 11,000 images of artists’ signatures, monograms, and stamps of sale. It can be cross-searched with Grove Art Online and other essential Oxford art titles. (Updated 3 times a year)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Bibliography of Asian Studies OnlineThis searchable bibliography provides extensive coverage of Western-language monographs, journal articles and chapters of edited volumes that deal in one way or another with the countries and civilizations of East, Southeast and South Asia or with the overseas Asian communities in North America, Europe and elsewhere in the world.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA and RILA)The Getty Research Institute provides free access to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and to the Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA). The databases, searchable together, cover material published between 1975 and 2007. For material published after 2007 see the International Bibliography of Art (IBA). BHA and RILA survey the visual arts in Europe and the Americas from late antiquity to the present, indexing articles from more than 1,200 periodicals published in 45 languages, as well as books, exhibition and dealer's catalogs, conference proceedings, and bibliographies. (Not updated)
Available to everyone. - Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur (Bildarchiv Foto Marburg)Database of about 2 million images of art and architecture from 13 countries in Europe. Images are from about 80 partners, including museums and cultural heritage agencies, research institutions and individual photographers. The majority of the images derive from the Bildarchiv Foto Marburg.
- Blouin Art Sales IndexLouise Blouin Media produces Gordon’s art price annuals and Blouin Art Sales Index. It is home to one of the largest art price databases of over 5 million records. Searches by artist name or auction lot are available on their website.
Available to everyone. - Bridgeman Art Library ArchiveWith images from over 8,000 collections and more than 29,000 artists, Bridgeman represents international museums, galleries and artists by providing a central source of fine art for image users. Every subject, concept, style and medium is represented, from national museums to private collections. Fine art is just one of the sources of images; design, antiques, maps, architecture, furniture, glass, ceramics, anthropological artefacts and many others also feature in the collection.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Brill's New PaulyBrill´s New Pauly is the English-language version of a major authoritative encyclopedia, originally published in German, on practically all aspects of the ancient Greek and Roman world. The bulk of its coverage is devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity, encompassing a span of more than two thousand years from the second millennium BCE to early medieval Europe. Special attention is given to interactions between Greco-Roman culture on the one hand, and, on the other, Semitic, Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic cultures. In addition to various forms of polytheism the treatment of ancient religion includes aspects of ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The coverage of the classical tradition deals with with the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the process of continuous reinterpretations and revaluations of the ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship. Many entries are accompanied by maps and illustrations.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - British Humanities Index (BHI)This database is an international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities. It includes over 320 internationally respected humanities journals and weekly magazines published in the UK and other English speaking countries, as well as quality newspapers published in the UK. Topics include architecture, archaeology, art, antiques, education, economics, foreign affairs, environment, cinema, current affairs, gender studies, history, language, law, linguistics, literature, music, painting, philosophy, poetry, political science, religion, and theatre. (Updated monthly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the RenaissanceThe Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance is an interdisciplinary research database containing documentation centering on the classical tradition, a focus of Renaissance studies. Registered are the antique monuments known in the Renaissance together with the related Renaissance documents in the form of texts and images, and related information about locations, persons and periods as well as bibliographic data. Among the written sources are inventories of collections, travelogues, archival documents, biographies of artists etc. Information on pictorial sources includes drawings from sketchbooks as well as single sheets and graphic arts. Only a limited range of paintings, sculptures, medals and works of arts and crafts can be found. The Census is a useful tool of research, not only in the field of art history and archaeology, but also for any discipline focussing on the afterlife of the antiquity. (Updated daily)
Available to everyone. - Chazen Museum of Art CollectionsChazen Museum Collections is the online database documenting objects owned by the Chazen Museum, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Updated periodically, the individual database records may contain thumbnail images of the artwork and supplementary information such as exhibition histories and bibliography when available.
Available to everyone. - Chicago Manual of Style OnlineBoth the 15th and 16th editions of the Chicago Manual of Style are available full text online.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Chicano DatabaseThis is the most comprehensive bibliographic resource for information about Mexican-American topics. It includes Arte Chicano : an Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Art, 1965-1981. Since 1992 it expands coverage to the broader Latino experience of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants. (Updated quarterly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI)Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI) provides citations and abstracts for references taken from more than 500 design and craft journals and newspapers published from 1973 onwards. All areas of design and craft from the mid-19th century onward are covered, including industrial design, interior design, environmental design, computer-aided design, furniture design, ceramics, jewellery, textile design, graphic design, book design, photography, advertising, exhibition design, theatre design, ergonomics, and design and craft theory, among other areas.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - DyabolaDyabola is an international index to scholarly journals and collected works on classical, early Christian, Byzantine, early Medieval, and ancient Middle Eastern art and archaeology. There are no abstracts. NOTE: Users must check in the box labeled "IP-Access" (English interface) or "IP-Zugang" (German interface) prior to clicking the Start button.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)This collection contains digital editions of all titles in the Evans microform editions, which are based on the American Bibliography by Charles Evans and Roger Bristol's Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. With these bibliographies, Evans and Bristol attempted to identify all works published in America through 1800. The Evans collection offers primary source materials on every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America. (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Early English Books Online (EEBO)EEBO provides full-text images of almost all the books printed in England and her colonies from the beginning of printing to 1700 (about 125,000 titles). You can search for books on your topic by author, title, and keyword, or search just for illustrations from these books if you wish. EEBO includes the items listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661), and additional supplementary materials. Gradually, searchable electronic text versions of a selection of these books are being added to the project. These searchable texts are called: EEBO-TCP, the Early English Books Online Text Creation Project. Eventually both EEBO and EEBO-TCP will be combined into one database. For now, in addition to using using Early English Books Online (EEBO), check EEBO-TCP if you want to do want to do keyword searching within an individual work. (Updates vary)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Early English Books Online-Text Creation Partnership (EEBO-TCP)This database provides full-text searching for a selection of books contained in the EEBO database. The University of Michigan, the University of Oxford, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), and ProQuest Information and Learning are engaged in an exceptional partnership to create structured SGML/XML text editions for a significant portion of the Short Title Catalog of Early English books published between 1473 and 1700. ProQuest has already created digital images for nearly 125,000 works, distributed under the title Early English Books Online. The Universities of Michigan and Oxford, with the support of the international library community, are creating accurately keyboarded and tagged editions of a significant portion of this culturally significant corpus. The Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership has proposed to create 25,000 searchable and readable editions that link immediately to the corresponding ProQuest image files. In combination, the text and image editions of these works provide a powerful research and instructional tool of unquestioned enduring value.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)ECCO consists of every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas. All 180,000 items in the database are full-text searchable and other features include an image gallery, chronology of events and lists of key works on various topics. (Updates vary)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (school edition)The school edition provides access to articles from the Encyclopædia Britannica and more. High-school level articles are directed to an adult audience.
This resource licensed by BadgerLink/Department of Public Instruction for use by all Wisconsin residents. - Encyclopaedia of IslamThe Encyclopaedia of Islam includes more than 15,000 articles on the current state of the Islamic world, from religion and history to politics and culture. Articles cover distinguished Muslims, tribes and dynasties, crafts, sciences, political and religious institutions, the geography, ethnography, flora and fauna of various countries, and the history, topography and monuments of the major towns and cities. Its geographical and historical scope encompasses the old Arabo-Islamic empire, the Islamic countries of Iran, Central Asia, the Indian sub-continent and Indonesia, the Ottoman Empire, and all modern Islamic states. (Second and Third Editions are available, First Edition is not.) Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Encyclopedia MythicaThis encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legends contains entries for legendary animals, gods and goddesses from many religions, imaginative places, supernatural creatures, and more. The mythology section is divided to six geographical regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania. Each region has many clearly defined subdivisions. The Folklore section contains general folklore, Arthurian legends, and folktales from many lands. (Updated irregularly)
Available to everyone. - Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (contained within Oxford Art Online)This searchable encyclopedia features more than 600 articles by globally recognized art historians, philosophers, and theorists. It is a comprehensive survey of major concepts, thinkers, and debates about the meaning, uses, and value of all the arts--from painting and sculpture to literature, music, theater, dance, television, film, and popular culture. Of special interest are in-depth surveys of Western aesthetics and broad coverage of non-Western traditions and theories of art.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- FRANCISThe FRANCIS database is created by the Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (INIST-CNRS) in France. It is strong in areas such as archaeology, geography, linguistics, philosophy, religion, and sociology. The database contains more than 1.8 million records, with abstracts in French or English, and descriptors in both languages. It covers journals, books, conference papers and other documents. (Updated monthly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Gerritsen Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs: Women's History OnlineThis contains the full text of over 4,700 publications from around the world documenting the condition of women, the evolution of feminist consciousness, and women's rights. The collection consists of books, monographs, pamphlets, and periodicals primarily in English with many other languages also represented. The full text of documents can be searched by keyword and Boolean operators. (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Getty Provenance Index DatabasesThe databases contain records taken from sources such as archival inventories, auction catalogs, and dealer stock books. The five databases are: 1. Archival Inventories: Archival inventories are legal documents from private and public archives that list objects from a household. The inventories in this database list works of art from private collections in the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and France from 1550 to 1840. 2. Sales Catalogs: Typically published by auction houses and dealers, sales catalogs list works of art for public auction. This database includes catalogs from major cities in Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia from 1650 to 1840. 3. Goupil & Cie Stock Books: Maintained by galleries and art dealers, stock books record information about a work of art. This database contains records transcribed from the 15 stock books of Goupil & Cie/Boussod, Valadon & Cie. 4. Payments to Artists: This database contains approximately 1,000 recorded payments to artists made in Rome between 1576 and 1711. 5. Public Collections: This database contains descriptions and provenances of paintings created by artists born before 1900 held by public institutions in Great Britain and the United States. (Updated regularly)
Available to everyone. - Getty Research PortalThe Getty Research Portal is an online platform providing global access to digitized art history texts. The Portal is comprised of catalog records that link to full, digitized texts hosted by the contributing institutions or their service providers. The digitized resources include fundamental texts, rare books, exhibition catalogues, auction catalogues, and related literature.
Available to everyone. - Grove Art Online (contained within Oxford Art Online)This searchable encyclopedia contains the full text of the original 34-volume Dictionary of Art (1996), with ongoing revisions and updates. Articles cover all aspects of the visual arts (painting, sculpture, graphics, contemporary art forms such as performance and installation, architecture, decorative arts, and photography) from prehistory to the present. History of film-making is excluded. This resource provides access to some online images and links to other external websites containing images. (Updates vary)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Grove Encyclopedia of the Decorative Arts (from Oxford Reference Online Premium)This encyclopedia covers decorative arts in both western and non-western cultures. Included are entries on artists, craftsmen, designers, workshops, and decorative art forms. Also included are entries on the qualities and historical uses of materials, concise definitions on art forms and styles, and in-depth articles discussing the history of armor, jewelry, furniture, textiles, and ceramics. (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Historical AbstractsHistorical Abstracts indexes and abstracts information in world history and the related social sciences and humanities, excluding the U.S. and Canada. (See America: History and Life for U.S. and Canadian coverage.) Links to full-text articles are included when available. It lists articles covering the years 1450 to the present, including more than 2600 periodicals published in 90 countries in 40 languages. Collections of essays, conference papers, dissertations, and books are also included. (Updated monthly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- IBZ: Internationale Bibliographie der ZeitschriftenliteraturIndexes more than 11,000 academic journals in 40 languages from around the world, with particular emphasis in European humanities and social sciences. More than 1000 open access journals were added in 2012. Some citations include abstracts. Subject headings and classification terms are listed in both German and English.
- Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003This database provides access to the entire run of the Illustrated London News from its first publication on 14 May 1842 to its last in 2003. Every article and caption is full-text searchable with hit-term highlighting and links to corresponding illustrations. Wherever possible Special Numbers covering special events such as coronations or royal funerals have been included. (Not updated).
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Index IslamicusThe Index Islamicus database indexes literature on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Records included in the database cover almost a hundred years of publications on the world of Islam. Material cited in the Index Islamicus includes not only work written about the Middle East, but also about the other main Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, plus Muslim minorities elsewhere. Over 3,000 journals are monitored for inclusion in the database, together with conference proceedings, monographs, multi-authored works and book reviews. Journals and books are indexed down to the article and chapter level.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Index of Christian ArtThe Index of Christian Art provides text descriptions and bibliographic references for over 75,000 works of Early Christian and Medieval art in 17 media, created from early apostolic times to 1400. (Additional holdings being added will extend the date range for manuscripts to the sixteenth century.) Extensive thematic and iconographic indexing is also provided. Approximately 100,000 are linked for viewing, and citations are given for published sources of reproductions, if known. The online database is a portion of the 200,000-item indexed picture file compiled at Princeton University. Three copies of the complete index exist and may be consulted at: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library in Washington, D.C.; Getty Research Center, Los Angeles; and Rijksuniversiteit, Utrecht. (Updated annually)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Index to Nineteenth Century American Art PeriodicalsThe Index to Nineteenth-Century American Art Periodicals indexes 42 art journals published in the United States during the nineteenth century (1844-1907). Entire journal contents are indexed, including articles, art notes, illustrations, stories, poems and advertisements. Journal coverage includes artists and illustrators, painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, architecture and design, exhibitions and sales, decoration and collecting. (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - International Bibliography of ArtInternational Bibliography of Art (IBA) is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA). IBA covers international scholarship including European art from late antiquity to the present, American art from the colonial era to the present, and global art since 1945. About 500 core journals are covered, plus detailed coverage of monographs, essay collections, conference proceedings and exhibition catalogues.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - International Medieval Bibliography - Online (IMB)The IMB is the major index to medieval studies (c. 400-1500). It includes citations to articles in approximately 4500 journals and "miscellany" volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections and Festschriften). NOTE: Click "enter databases," then select IMB. (Updated quarterly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Iter: Gateway to the RenaissanceA searchable bibliography of approximately 1.2 million records for articles, essays, books, and more, regarding the European Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700. (Updates vary)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism OnlineThis guide presents alphabetically arranged entries on critics and theorists, critical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods. (Updated annually)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal ArchiveJSTOR is a full-text journal database which provides access to more than 1,200 titles in the fields of African-American studies, anthropology, architecture, Asian studies, biological sciences, botany, ecology, economics, education, film, finance, folklore, history, language, literature, mathematics, middle east studies, music, philosophy, political science, population/demography, religion, sociology, and statistics. Coverage begins with volume one of each title and continues to within 3 to 5 years of the most current issue, depending on the title. The "moving wall" represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal; it is specified by publishers in their license agreements with JSTOR. Graphs, photographs, and other images are included. UW-Madison Libraries have acquired the following JSTOR collections: Arts & Sciences I-XIV; Biological Sciences; Business; Ecology & Botany; Health & General Sciences; Ireland; Language & Literature; Music. (Updated irregularly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Lexikon des Mittelalters Online and International Encyclopaedia for the Middle AgesTaken together, these two encyclopedias are an important source of information for medieval studies. Lexikon des Mittelalters Online (LexMA) is a major German-language encyclopedia. The International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages-Online (IEMA), is an English-language supplement to LexMA),with additional articles which fill in the gaps in coverage. The majority of articles are only in German. NOTE: Click "enter databases," then select the Lexikon. (Updates vary)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Marquis Biographies Online (Who's Who)Marquis Biographies Online (Who's Who) is a collection of over 1.4 million biographies that have appeared in 25 print titles since 1985, including, among others, "Who's Who in America", "Who's Who in the World", "Who's Who in American Art", etc. The biographies contain birth and death data, educational achievements, and personal and profession histories for individuals from many fields, including government, business, entertainment, science, sports and more. (Updated daily)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Material ConneXionMaterial ConneXion is the largest global resource of new materials. Its library houses over 3,500 new and innovative materials representing eight categories: polymers, glass, ceramics, carbon-based materials, cement-based materials, metals, natural materials and natural material derivatives. They feature cutting-edge materials and applications. (Updated Monthly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art InventoriesThis database is drawn from documents in the Amsterdam City Archives and provides detailed information on ownership of works of art in the Dutch Golden Age. Compiled Professor John Michael Montias, it contains information from 1,280 inventories of goods (paintings, prints, sculpture, furniture, etc.) owned by people living in 17th century Amsterdam. Dates of the inventories range from 1597-1681. Nearly half of the inventories were made by the Orphan Chamber for auction purposes, while almost as many were notarial death inventories for estate purposes. The remainder were bankruptcy inventories. The database includes detailed information on the 51,071 individual works of art listed in the inventories. There is also information on the owners, buyers and prices paid when the goods were actually in a sale. While not a complete record of all inventories in Amsterdam during this time period, the database contains a wealth of information that can elucidate patterns of buying, selling, inventorying and collecting art in Holland during the Dutch Golden Age.
Available to everyone.
- New Dictionary of the History of IdeasThis survey of the history of Western thought and culture is presented through 700 alphabetically arranged entries. Each entry explores the origin, cultural interpretations, and historical themes of such subjects as beauty, love, feminism, diversity, social capital, deconstruction, post-colonialism, among many others. For students and general readers. (Update varies)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Oxford Art Online (contains Grove Art, Benezit, more)Oxford Art Online is the access point for Grove Art Online, the Benezit Dictionary of Artists, the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and the Oxford Companion to Western Art.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Perseus Digital LibraryThe Perseus Project is an evolving digital library of resources for the study of the humanities. It consists of materials, textual and visual, on the Archaic and Classical Greek world--including an Art & Archaeology Artifact Browser with images of art objects, sites, and buildings. Additionally, Perseus has expanded into other literary and historical collections ranging from the English Renaissance to the American Civil War. (Updates vary)
Available to everyone. - Picture Collection OnlineThis collection from the New York Public Library contains 30,000 digitized, public domain images from books, magazines and newspapers as well as original photographs, prints and postcards, mostly created before 1923. It is searchable by keyword, or by browsing a variety of indexes. (Not updated) NOTE: A successor collection, NYPL Digital Collections, is larger but less focused.
Available to everyone. - PIO: Periodicals Index OnlineThe PIO database contains citations for more than 3,500 social science and humanities journals published in North America, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, and Germany, from the late 18th century to the present. (Updated annually -- present minus 8 years)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune (1849-1991)This version of The Chicago Tribune and Chicago Daily Tribune includes full-text and full-image articles since its beginning year. In addition to news stories, the database includes editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, birth and marriage announcements, photos, and advertisements. More recent years are available through the ProQuest Newspapers or Lexis/Nexis databases. (Updated annually, present minus 20 years)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times (1881-1991)This version of The Los Angeles Times includes full-text and full-image articles since its beginning year. In addition to news stories, the database includes editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, birth and marriage announcements, photos, and advertisements. More recent years are available through the ProQuest Newspapers or Lexis/Nexis databases. (Updated annually, present minus 20 years)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Times (1851-2010)This version of The New York Times includes full-text and full-image articles since its beginning year. In addition to news stories, the database includes editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, birth and marriage announcements, photos, and advertisements. More recent years are available through Newspaper Source Plus or Lexis/Nexis Academic databases. (Updated annually, present minus four years)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature/Africana Periodical LiteratureThis database describes articles on Africa, covering a wide range of topics, with a strong focus on journals published in Africa. Today the database is updated by the African Studies Centre in Leiden, The Netherlands, which has hosted the database since June 2008. Also included are citations from the original Africana Periodical Literature database, compiled by Davis Bullwinkle from 1974 to 2008, and the Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature, created and maintained by the Overseas Office of the American Library of Congress in Nairobi from 1991 to 2011. (Updates vary)
Available to everyone.
- RIBA Library Online CatalogueThe Royal Institute of British Architects maintains the British Architectural Library. The library catalog describes holdings of books, journals, drawings, photographs, and other material, as well as providing article-level indexing for approximately 300 architectural periodicals. Click the link for the Online Catalogue Guide and look for a link to the Online Catalogue in the text. (Updated daily)
Available to everyone.
- Sabin Americana (1500 - 1926)This full text collection is based on Joseph Sabin's landmark bibliography (Bibliotheca Americana), including works about the Americas published throughout the world from 1476 to the early 1900's. Books, pamphlets, serials and other documents are available. (Not updated)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyThe Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is intended to serve as an authoritative reference work suitable for use by professionals and students in the field of philosophy, as well as by all others interested in authoritative discussions on philosophical topics. Entries are signed and dated, and submitted through a peer review process.
- Times (London) Digital Archive (1785-2009)This searchable database includes page facsimiles of full issues of the London Times published from 1785 until 6 years back from the present. Sundays are not included. Searches can be limited to sections such as: Advertising, Pictures, People, News, Editorials. (Updated annually, present minus 6 years)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Times Literary Supplement Historical ArchiveThis searchable full text archive contains every page of the TLS published from 1902 until five years from the present. The journal provides reviews of books in many disciplines, theatre, musical performances, art exhibitions, film, media, and other cultural events as well as editorial and commentary articles. (Updated annually)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, or ulrichsweb.comUlrich's Periodicals Directory, or ulrichsweb.com (formerly Ulrich's Plus), provides detailed information on serials published throughout the world. It covers all subjects, and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription. Look at the "Abstracting & Indexing" subsection for information on which licensed databases include coverage of the periodical. (Updated weekly)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic NovelsThis scholarly collection documents the entire spectrum of underground and independent North American and European comics and graphic novels, with 75,000 pages of original material from the 1950s to today along with more than 25,000 pages of interviews, commentary, theory, and criticism from journals, books, and magazines, including The Comics Journal. (Content still being added)
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only.
- Vernacular Architecture BibliographyThe Vernacular Architecture Forum compiles an ongoing citation list of books, articles and other publications. The bibliography is in transition and is currently available in a Zotero Group citation list.
Available to everyone.
- Web of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation IndexThe Web of Science is a combination of databases, including the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. In total, it indexes more than 12,000 peer-reviewed journals, including 1,700 in the arts and humanities. It is also possible to search by cited authors and to find articles sharing one or more cited reference. Search the multiple databases independently or in any combination.
Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW Madison students, faculty and staff only. - Women's Magazine ArchiveThis database provides access to the complete archives of six 19th and 20th-century women's magazines. The magazines are all scanned from cover to cover. Content is still being added. The titles and their projected dates of coverage are: Better Homes & Gardens (1922 to 2005) Chatelaine (1928 to 2005) Good Housekeeping (1885 to 2005) Ladies’ Home Journal (1883 to 2005) Parents (1926 to 2005) Redbook (1903 to 2005). (Updates ongoing)
- WorldImagesThis database provides access to the California State University IMAGE Project which contains approximately 100,000 images of global art and architecture. The images can be searched or browsed from organized thematic portfolios. (Updates vary)
Available to everyone.

Anna Simon
Kohler Art Library
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
160b Elvehjem Building
800 University Ave.
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