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Japan Studies: Japanese Folklore : Introduction

Introduction to Folklore Studies

For the general introduction to the folkloristics, the following may be useful:


Feintuch, Burt, ed. 2003. Eight Words for the Study of Expressive Culture. Champaign: University of Illinois Press.

Oring, Elliott. 1986. Folk Groups and Folklore Genres: An Introduction. Logan: Utah State University Press.

Schoemaker, George H. 1990. The Emergence of Folklore in Everyday Life: A Fieldguide and Sourcebook. Bloomington: Trickster Press.


A Guide to Folklore Resources (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Folklore LibGuide (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Introduction to Japanese Folklore Studies


Morse, Ronald. 1985. Yanagita Kunio, and the Modern Japanese Consciousness. Cornell East Asia Papers 37: 11-28.

Shimamura, Takanori. 2003. “Cultural Diversity and Folklore Studies in Japan: A Multiculturalist Approach.” Asian Folklore Studies 62.2: 195–224.
