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ASIAN 371: Topics in Chinese Literature: Cultural History of the Senses in Modern China (Summer 2024) : Primary Sources in Chinese

Digitalized Ancient Chinese Materials

Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese and Japanese Ancient Books 雕龍: 中日古籍全文資料庫 (NetID required)

  • It contains multiple full texts of ancient Chinese books. The database provides the Dao zang 道藏, Dao zang ji yao 道藏辑要, Si bu cong kan 四部叢刊, Yongle da dian 永樂大典, Gu jin tu shu ji cheng 古今圖書集成, Si ku quan shu 四庫全書, and various local gazetteers. 
  • The database accommodates up to 5 users simultaneously. Kindly log out after use to make room for other users.

Scripta Sinica 漢籍: 電子文獻資料庫 (NetID required)

  • It is a collection of about 430 full-text Chinese pre-modern works in all subject areas. The digital resource provides the categories of Jing 經, Shi 史, Zi 子, Ji 集.
  • Please select "授權使用" when accessing the front page.

Chinese Rare Books: Harvard Library

  • It provides full-text access to a digitized collection of over 9,600 rare Chinese books.
  • Sourced from Harvard Library.


  • This open access resource includes mainly high-definition color image version PDF format. 
  • The books' publication dates range from Song to Qing Dynasties.

Ming Qing Women's Writings

  • This digital collection showcases the literary works of women during the late imperial era in China, spanning the years from 1368 to 1911. The platform comprises a virtual library, enriched by the digital scholarly tools meticulously crafted by the McGill Library Digital Initiatives team. Furthermore, it includes direct links to individual authors' profiles within the China Biographical Database, hosted by Harvard University.
  • It is open access.

China Local Gazetteer Database I-III 中國方志庫: I-III集 (NetID required)

  • It contains more than 10,000 local gazetteers from the Song Dynasty to the Republican era. Series I contains 2,000 titles of local gazetteers.
  • ​​​Please select "Ancient Classics" and click the "Login" button to access this database. And then click "初集", "二集" and "三集" on the main page.
  • The database accommodates up to 1 user simultaneously. Kindly log out after use to make room for other users.

China Comprehensive Gazetteers 中國綜合方誌庫 (NetID required)

  • The collection encompasses over 6,500 titles, providing a holistic view of China's diverse regions and tracing its rich history from the Northern Sung Dynasty to the inception of the People's Republic of China.

观箴 · 清宫档案数据库  (NetID required)

  • The collection includes numerous original archives from the Qing Palace, as well as nearly 250,000 art object records.


Digitalized Modern Chinese Materials

點石齋畫報 1884-1898

  • The Yale University Library digitalized and opened the illustrated supplement of 申報 to the public. The newspaper was published in Shanghai.
  • It is open access.

Chinese Periodical Full-text Database 1911-1949 民国时期期刊全文数据库 (NetID required)

  • The database covers over 20,000 journal titles with a mass of information on political, economic, military, social, livelihood, etc. It provides first-hand information to study the history of the Republic of China.
  • Please click "use" to access.

Kanopy (Films) (NetID required)

  • It is an on-demand streaming video service for educational institutions that works directly with filmmakers and film distribution companies to offer thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films and theatrical releases across diverse subjects and disciplines. 
  • Please submit your requests for film access.